Boohoo cry about it you mentally deranged hoe,i am moral correct for normal people not some bitch who literally want to see a child get fucked and hiding behind the fact that it's fiction ain't gon save your pedo ass,
I wish this was the case everywhere so that mfs like you wouldn't dare to say shit like this just because it's fiction

Ohh seems like i hit a nerve there lol, listen you mad fucking whore i am here to make y'all deranged pedo hoe cry a river and it's clearly working, i don't want to masturbate tho if you really want me to then you could probably suck my dick like a bitch you're then I might consider what you said you retarded bitch

Nah you gotta be so fucking retarded bitch cause wtf is conservative about it so are you saying that normalising pedophilia is liberal?source from Wikipedia doesn't change the fact that some countries have made this fucking shit illegal you retarded bitch ,and no you're wrong i didn't just wish violence i wish y'all get touched and experience the same shit and yes CRY ABOUT IT indeed

I am 100% morally correct if the real people in question want to see child porn doesn't matter if it's just pixels it says enough about you ,you abnormal piece of shit,"that law applies for other country" which proves that hiding behind the fact that it's fiction won't do shit you're still a retarded pedo hoe you dumbfuck

it DOES change the fact or are you so embarrassingly lacking up there not to know that ANYONE can add shit to wikipedia and that's why it's cringy as fonts among professors in college?
and yes you wished violence. you said, and I quote: "touched violently". it's senseless to try to get us to admit to pedophilia if you won't admit to being a bad, violent person first :)
normalising pedo is liberal? now where the fuck did i say that? what are you, twitter? twisting things i said into things i didnt? grow the fuck up kid, or do you really think E-V-E-R-Y S-I-N-G-L-E P-E-R-S-O-N who reads shota/loli tags are like real pedophiles who go around parking lurking behind trees preying on unsuspecting children?? Get real!
I'm sure a handful may be, but most are just kids and adults enjoying plot drama without the limitations of morale, like reading about A falling in love with B to later find out B was their llost twin all along XD. You should try it!
Like I thought Kay supposed to be badass but now he's more of a damsel who needs to gets saved here and there
Well, he's pretty so all if forgiven lmao