Any one the name of this manga ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
Can't seem to find it from goolgle search
Please help

On the page3:
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/love_trial/ (ch.2)

DOES ANYONE know who is this guy he is sooo hot i feel like i saw him before but don't know where and the art is familiar PLEASE HELP ME http://www.mangahere.co/manga/shimasho/c001/

I'm not sure what manga is that, but its by nekota yonezou

Hidoku Shinaide By Nekota Yonezou.

or he could be fumi from http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/elektel_delusion/

Does anyone know the names of these mangas http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/mori_no_animal_company/mf/v01/c005/4/
and this http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/mori_no_animal_company/mf/v01/c005/5/ ?????????
thanks in advance ^_^

they're Kano Shiuko's works -not sure which though :-S
what is the name of this manga ?? i saw it many times and i am very interested and want to read it
please help if you know (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
I think it might be Scholar Who Walks The Night: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/bameur_geonneun_seonbi/
I think it might be Scholar Who Walks The Night: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/bameur_geonneun_seonbi/
thank you (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ this is it :*
Dude there's a manga for that. Drama is on my to-read list. I love reading manga then watching adaptations.
Cute victim!!!!~
It feels like ages since the last time i've seen you!!!! :D
HIIIIIII perpretator of atrocities. Yeah it's been a while. I haven't been reading manga so much. Holidays is the time to crochet like mad and watch super cheesy asian dramas. Like a badass.
That's basically how I greet all my friends. Cept maybe the tiny one...
Ohhhh i see, i see....you totally enjoying your holidays. xD So what are you crochet? :D Nice looking beanies and scarfs? :D
Well, it destroyed my soul a tad to do it but I made hats with holes in them for messy buns for my sister and nieces, and the neighbor. Then a bunch of regular hats, an AWESOME cowl for one of my besties, and handwarmers for my other bestie. Turned out awesome. And a braided cowl for me. Made my dad a buffalo check hat to match his wool coat. And a doily for mom...no judging :D
Whoooooaaaaa so many things!! Awesome!!!! :D How long did you need for all of them? :D
a couple weeks mostly...I'm a procrastinator. And that was usually only done in evenings watching Chinese dramas :D OH and some baby hats and booties. Those took the longest. A link set from zelda and a cowgirl set. They turned out ADORABLE. God everyone and their second cousin twice removed was pregnant last year.
Just a couple of weeks? :D Wow i think, i would need years for...lets say...one sock. xDD
Holy dick!!!! You should earn money with it. :D
I'm pretty fast :D And then if you use bigger yarn and hook its way faster and I don't have much tiny yarn...Or what I do have I'm hoarding :D Been trying to shrink my gigantic yarn stash. Made a very small dent. And then bought 3 more skeins to make up for it :D
The baby stuff was actually for a friend to give as a Christmas present and so I made 40$ for 2 sets. I like doing commissions but I don't want to do the online store thing...
Made a super awesome dragon hooded scarf too. Super fun. Put claws on it and everything. And pockets
The dragon was made in the spring though. Not for Christmas
Oh yes, you are!! Respect!!!~ :D Damn i wish we would be friends in real life, so you can make something nice for me too. :3 Of course you'll get a reward. :D
How many years are you crocheting? :D
Haha thank you. I love hats, total hat girl. Plus they fix a disaster hair day SO well. And its like 1 degree farenheit outside right now and hats are NECESSARY, especially with hair that doesn't cover ears. And scarves for necks with no long hair.
I think its cause I learned as a kid maybe? I didn't stick with it because the only patterns I had were from OLD crochet magezines from like the 70s...and nobody likes those patterns. Maybe a few vintage sweaters are cute but most of the stuff are like doilies and teapot cozies. And afgans and nobody LIKES crocheted afgans....scratchy terrible things. Unless you spend a fortune on yarn. But what the heck do you do with a teapot cozy? And the 70s fashion was kinda a disaster....just saying. So I dropped it once I got old enough to actually have taste. And then about 4 years ago I got a pinterest account and realized I could make stuff that I ACTUALLY wanted. I kinda had to start over on learning but I think it came pretty fast cause I knew the basics.
I'd totally make you nice stuff but I have zero interest in paying for shipping to Germany :D It kills me to pay to ship stuff a couple hours away :D oooh rewards
Hahaha so true, how many hats do you have for yourself? :D I bet many. xD
Oh did you learned it also first in school? :O I hated that subject so much. xD Was and still isnt my thing. xDD But is so cute to see how passionate you're about. <333
Awwwww you could make me some horro-like but cute gloves. xD
But i would have to pay too. :P
Oh you don't wanna know. :D Not sure I can count...a disturbing number.
I learned it from my mom actually. She'd saved all her old magezines, I have an old mom :D Yeah it's not for everyone, I'm a creative person though and I NEED to make stuff or I'm just not okay. And I can't really art, and then get frustrated when I try and fail. Well crochet is still art just not drawing and painting. :D It's soooo fun. I made a toothless the dragon for my nephew a few years ago. Was part of what got me hooked, it was awesome.
Oh, I did watched this drama, only for Lee Joon Gi. Hehe... For me the drama was so so because the main girl drives me mad with her "helplessness" and just plain stupid actions, only stayed until the end for both male lead and male villain. The male villain is one hot damn vampire! ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Dude villains are hot. I totally get it. Haven't watched the drama but...its kinda on my list. Stupid heroines don't bother me so much.