So so good, taking some of my most favorite and personal topics (magical girls and mental health) and combining it make a funny, charming, yet sensitive and enlightened manga, Just brilliant. And the arttttt my god. And the translation was soo good as well Loved this 10/10 I could say more but I loved it so much I cant

If Itsu’s past is related to a past boyfriend or girlfriend (not sure which is worse) lowkey im going to be so mad I have invested too much jnto this relationship for it to be swayed by some ex. I was wary about Emma, I am fighting on a tenuous line with that damn childhood friend I cnt take it Please just get married And be happy forever nothing will ever haooen…

This series is incredible. The art is gorgeous and the relationships displayed, the problems that are shown that are faced by people with limited hearing is all so realistic. Itsu and Yuki are the stars of the show, with Itsu being my favorite of the two but both of them are so precious to me. Very excited for the next chapters, my expectations for future partners has once more been raised.
ML want that cookie BADD