ZA WARUDO June 25, 2021 3:55 pm

I came for them milkers and was not disappointed

ZA WARUDO June 25, 2021 2:55 am

Is there any raws for this?

ZA WARUDO June 19, 2021 6:34 am

Wait so is the story done or is there gonna be more chapters?

ZA WARUDO April 21, 2021 1:34 pm

Does anyone have raws that aren’t from that blog because I can’t get into it without being invited and I wanna binge this :(

ZA WARUDO February 25, 2021 3:18 pm

I shared this in another comment and I think I should share it here too just because To share my thoughts. In my opinion I don’t have a problem that much with people comparing it to KS if you do it in the right way but here’s one of the main reason people want it to stop that I can agree with. People started comparing the two so much to the point it was taken to the author of KS for plagiarism by someone who thought it was similar. The author said they were looking into it but later both authors deleted their tweet so I’m guessing the matter is solved and the author can continue the story. I think after that whole situation people should die down on the whole comparing thing which is 95% of the comments. Secondly people are comparing the plot I understand the plot idk if you do or anyone else but it is nowhere near close to KS and the characters are not close to the ones in KS expect for the black hair that’s about it. But even with that not every character with black hair and a skinny body is bum and that I can agree on. People also mentioned art style I went back to KS and came back to this I can see where people might think that but it is different if you have read the authors other stories it’s the same nothing has really change in the art style expect that the author choose to do psychological theme with the colors meaning she’s doing more darker colors to fit that darker aspect.This whole comment section is a repetitive fun house and isn’t really about anything but KS. One thing I can agree on is this also not every story that is psychological is like KS or should be compared to it or so on so forth. Yes KS was a master piece it was one of a kind but KS was darker then this and I believe that everything story is it’s own story and you should treat it as so. Comparing it to another story especially in a bad way or comparing it in the wrong way, just puts down the work of the author and all their efforts to bring a story. As a hardcore lover of this author who made my favorite story behind the desk I was excited to see the author made another one. In my opinion I think it’s rude to compare two works in the way it’s being down now because it’s gotten to the point it’s not really how do I say comments like “I like KS so this appeals to me” or “I like psychological horror plots so I’m excited for this story” “Or this is giving me KS vibes I’m in” those comments are probably okay even though the last one is still kind of comparing it’s not like the ones we are now seeing more of it’s more so “yeah this is a copy” “all the characters are carbon copies” “the plot is the same to KS” “the author just wants to be as good as KS” or “KS 2.0” “the art style is the same same” etc I find these things rude and should be kept to yourself which is why I said people should be doing it in the right way and not like that because right now that’s majority of the comments. As a artist myself for a very long time I don’t mind if my art gets compared to someone else’s if it’s in the right way. I know if I saw things like carbon copy or you gotta admit they look too similar or the art style is the same those types of comments would bring me down. One probably because I would feel my efforts just went down the drain, I would feel not as though I have to live up to something but like I can’t do anything in this way that doesn’t make it look like I did something wrong when what I was trying to do was just bring a piece in a genre or theme. Idk if that last one makes sense but you might get it. Don’t get me wrong I understand both sides. I get you have your own opinion and you are allowed to express them but I suggest doing so in the correct way. In a way that doesn’t belittle, bring down, or shadow the authors work. I get some of you are probably die hard fans of KS I was too I loved KS I was there when only a few chapters were out I watched it grow to be as big as it got but it just doesn’t sit right with me that this is all this manhwa is known for and is looked at upon that it’s only just another KS or just another wanna be KS Yk? I think we should all enjoy the story for what it is and treat this as it’s own story and not bring KS into the picture all the time when something deals with psychological aspects and we should just talk about what’s going on in the manhwa and respect the authors work and should all wait until we get further into the story before all these big comparisons especially to the plot are being made when we are only into the first few chapters which so far to me doesn’t have to same plot. Just because someone’s being locked up in a place doesn’t mean the plot is similar to killing stalking. Obey Me was treated like it’s own story someone got locked up was forced to do drastic things but would you say oh obey me is just “KS 2.0” it’s not it’s it’s own story and just because someone gets locked up and has black hair doesn’t mean it’s KS 2.0 or the plot is a copy or anything such as that. Warehouse is another example it was treated as its own story. What happened in that one? Someone gets locked up etc etc doesn’t mean it’s KS or the plot is KS because someone locked up and has psychological aspects. These are probably bad examples but you see what I’m trying to say maybe lol. But this is my prospective of it some maybe agree some may disagree so I’ll leave it at agree to disagree. And you guys this isn’t hate towards anyone I’m just sharing an opinion and I’m okay with hearing both sides if you would like to talk about that as well. :)

    Rei February 25, 2021 3:21 pm

    Not that i read this, but wow it is long damn

    >_< February 25, 2021 3:23 pm
    Not that i read this, but wow it is long damn Rei

    a whole ass book frfr

    dazaiosamu February 25, 2021 3:24 pm

    i didn't finish reading but i agree- i'm so sick tired of seeing those comments like "this gives me ks vibes" ok we get it now stop pls ╥﹏╥

    ZA WARUDO February 25, 2021 3:27 pm
    Not that i read this, but wow it is long damn Rei

    Yeah I’m sorry it’s long it’s just when I write long it helps me think better and get what I’m trying to fully way out I don’t expect people to read the whole thing

    ZA WARUDO February 25, 2021 3:27 pm
    a whole ass book frfr >_<


    Rei February 25, 2021 3:34 pm
    Yeah I’m sorry it’s long it’s just when I write long it helps me think better and get what I’m trying to fully way out I don’t expect people to read the whole thing ZA WARUDO

    Oh dont be, im just amazed that u took ur time to write this whole thing. Also yea i agree, i think the comments should move on from ks and stop comparing lmao..

    >_< February 25, 2021 4:29 pm

    but I agree not that I'm complaining of it being long..

ZA WARUDO February 18, 2021 11:39 pm

Hhh I honestly don’t like looking at the comment section on mangago anymore. It used to not be like this. I’ve been on here for years and it has never been how it has been now but a lot of it is due to tiktok and social media in general but mainly tiktok. People used to just came here to read and like what they like. I’m not defending rape or anything or sexual harassment but I am getting tired of all this rape calling and the word consent and rape being thrown around everywhere like it’s so repetitive now and now it’s more arguing and just a lot of things that are getting tiring to see. I think people should just keep in mind that a lot of yaoi has some rape looking concepts and not all of them will be fluffy or happy or will have these soft paths. I think if these kinds of tropes or actions done aren’t for you instead of like going to complaining about it (sorry that’s not me being rude it’s just a suggestion) just read shouen ai or just things that are more your type and then you don’t have to see it or Yk be upset by it? Or maybe like drop the story and honestly just leave it to the people who are fine with reading it. And I can admit that there are some scenes in yaoi that I skip because I can see rape and that could also be something y’all can do as well if you want like skip it. But listen this is not me defending rape or saying that what some of y’all say is wrong y’all have points I can agree with. But even then I don’t really comment about it but not because I’m afraid or anything just to me it’s a story if you like it you like it if you don’t you don’t. Let’s just move in with our day. I also see a lot of things like people saying things like rape etc but then continue to read the story and keep coming back and what I’m saying for that is if you continuing reading it that is in you you have all free will to drop the story if it is not to your liking is what I’m saying. My point just is some things aren’t for everyone and seeing the comment sections being the way they are now is upsetting in different ways. ( don’t misunderstand plz I don’t mean it’s upsetting because I like rape and I don’t like that people are saying it because of that ). Idk if this makes sense or not I don’t really know how to say it but yeah. Anyways I like this story honestly, I like the art it’s interesting but is confusing at some times and I rjust read yaoi, shouen ai, default stories as well, WEBTOON, etc all because I just enjoy reading it and I think everyone is gonna have different opinions on things so I just hope that Yk the comment sections get better and we can just all read what we like without getting upset with eachother and arguing. :)

    fromzero February 18, 2021 11:41 pm

    i don’t really care if there’s rape in a yaoi alas i like the story bc it’s just fiction. but i don’t go around saying it wasn’t rape. i accept what i read is rape when it happens. people here are trying to convince others that it’s not rape when it clearly is. that’s why there’s an argument in the comments. it’s not bc there is rape in the webtoon, but it’s because people are denying that it’s rape

    ZA WARUDO February 18, 2021 11:55 pm
    i don’t really care if there’s rape in a yaoi alas i like the story bc it’s just fiction. but i don’t go around saying it wasn’t rape. i accept what i read is rape when it happens. people here are tr... fromzero

    Yes I know that I forgot to mention it. But sometimes that’s not the case. One thing I can say is that there’s a lot of people who will go around and throw the word rape around when something clearly isn’t rape. If something is actually rape then I can see people frustration and I can also see it when people tell others who think it’s not that it is when to actually is. But I’ve read and seen enough comment that a lot of times that’s not the case. Which is why I mentioned that people throw it around and that what really gets me is when they just throw it around. And I also just like I said like the repetitiveness of it because I think in my opinion like idk how to explain this like its like comment section is filled it rape this rape that it’s like not anything positive anymore one, and second I really don’t know how to explain what I’m thinking without it sounding wrong it’s like a “I think they get it” kind of thing? But not in a bad tone or a rude tone it’s like almsot let them think that but if I say that it sounds like I’m saying it’s okay for them to think rape is okay which I’m not. It’s like enough people have said it kind of thing Maybe if I give an example but idk if this is a good one or not like if I’m ina. Classroom and a little kid thinks it’s okay to hit another little kid and the teacher tell the kid that’s not okay you don’t need 12 teachers to tell the kids who do think it’s okay that it’s not okay like you don’t need to repeat it but then again that’s not me saying that you guys shouldn’t because I understand that sometimes some people do need to know what’s wrong and what’s right and not defend it but I don’t think what I said was a good example but I hope you can kind of get what I’m saying. My main point is that I kind of just like the way comment sections used to be. No one was glorying or fetishizing anything no one was arguing no one was throwing the words around it was all just talking about like regualr things Yk? And I do what you do sometimes as well sometimes I just accept that it has it in the story and sometimes skip it and just move in until a new chapter comes and now we are past that or character development which is important in those aspects. But yeah I do agree that if something is rape then it’s rape and I do think that a lot of you guys who do educate those are doing well.

    ZA WARUDO February 19, 2021 12:00 am
    i don’t really care if there’s rape in a yaoi alas i like the story bc it’s just fiction. but i don’t go around saying it wasn’t rape. i accept what i read is rape when it happens. people here are tr... fromzero

    I think i used a bad example it don’t think it showed what I was trying to say it’s just hard to explain without it sounding like I’m defending anything or don’t think that telling people that think it’s not rape rape. Maybe disregard that sorry.
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Just.a.user February 19, 2021 12:09 am

    I understand what you mean and I agree with you, I've been reading in this page for a long time and I love the comments when the readers are in a good mood and write something funny.

    We also have here the other comments their making the mood really low.
    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    fromzero February 19, 2021 12:27 am
    Yes I know that I forgot to mention it. But sometimes that’s not the case. One thing I can say is that there’s a lot of people who will go around and throw the word rape around when something clearly isn’... ZA WARUDO

    ah yeah I think I get what u mean. so you’re basically saying “why so serious?” and I agree with u on that. people can say their opinions and go without turning this into an argument and ruin the mood. i’ve been on this site for 5 years so I also agree that people were more relax before. Lately there are arguments in every popular BL’s comment section, I guess it’s inevitable when the manga/webtoon becomes popular

    ZA WARUDO February 19, 2021 2:04 am
    ah yeah I think I get what u mean. so you’re basically saying “why so serious?” and I agree with u on that. people can say their opinions and go without turning this into an argument and ruin the mood. i�... fromzero

    I agree with this as well.

    ZA WARUDO February 19, 2021 2:06 am
    I understand what you mean and I agree with you, I've been reading in this page for a long time and I love the comments when the readers are in a good mood and write something funny.(▰˘◡˘▰) We also have... Just.a.user

    Yessss and I can agree sometimes I do have the feeling that the mood is ruined a lot of times in certain stories. Like the story Love Or Hate very one just argues in that comment section because of who goes with who like it’s not that serious guys like the arguing is childish in that comment all the time. Nothing good is said there anymore.

    ZA WARUDO February 19, 2021 2:09 am
    ah yeah I think I get what u mean. so you’re basically saying “why so serious?” and I agree with u on that. people can say their opinions and go without turning this into an argument and ruin the mood. i�... fromzero

    It’s kind of like why so serious. I feel if I say why so serious it’s like I’m saying rape or something else is not serious when it’s being corrected to someone who thinks it’s not but that’s not the case but I think you get what I mean by your reply. ty for being nice about everything I really thought I was gonna get like 18 comments just insulting me because that’s usually how it is now. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

ZA WARUDO January 22, 2021 2:19 pm

Someone tell me which chapter the spoiler is in or if it’s on a different site because I’ve read the raws and went back again today and I don’t see the spoiler happening anywhere

    naso January 22, 2021 2:40 pm

    What spoiler?

    ZA WARUDO January 23, 2021 12:24 am
    What spoiler? naso


    Uno or eno which ever his name is dies of old age because he wanted to be with his siblings and the vampire guy watches him grow old and hwa grows old as well.

    naso January 23, 2021 7:30 am
    Here Uno or eno which ever his name is dies of old age because he wanted to be with his siblings and the vampire guy watches him grow old and hwa grows old as well. ZA WARUDO

    Oh no no no no no no

ZA WARUDO January 2, 2021 1:05 pm

Are people just now discovering this or what because these comments I’m so confused like is this y’all’s first time here? Y’all are just now saying the story is making y’all uncomfortable? I’m so confused by many things-

ZA WARUDO December 31, 2020 5:47 pm

This is giving me interview with a vampire vibes like the main guy with the long hair reminded me of Louis like this whole thing like the plague doctor thing and the time it’s set in just very interview with a vampire.

ZA WARUDO December 17, 2020 3:37 pm

Not people in the comments thinking the bottom has a rape fetish when he has trauma from being rape by a very important person in his life. Not people misunderstanding what he just said in the last parts thinking that him having a rape fetish. Not people thinking that their consent sex is rape. Not people really out here calling the top a rapist. Not people really not understanding the story or looking at the raws that this man cares for this man. Not the people mistaking a Ahegao face as that being non consent and makes it rape. Not some people thinking all rough sex automatically means rape and rape fetishes. If you want to leave the story go ahead please let the rest of us enjoy it the ones who actually get the story. I have a fetish for being punished that doesn’t mean I like rape or the feeling that I am being raped. Some people have this picture in their head on what punishment sex looks like it’s not like the shit you see on porn hub where they bash your head in water and the girls having fake orgasms or where they scream you like being raped. That’s not real punishment. Sorry this is my
Opinion on it and y’all can have y’all’s but I still think a lot of this shit y’all claim is utterly ridiculous. Like who tf thinks that oh since there’s a Ahegao face means he’s being raped oh he must like being raped then.

    Zenitsu December 17, 2020 3:43 pm

    Alot of people on this comment section expecting vanilla sex from Taeseung and Sooyoung and I was like, what were this people on about? Its laughable tbh. There's plenty of yaoi story here that can offer that but LTWW is not that type of manhwa. Im glad you commented like this. Punishment is not rape kink.
    Rough sex is not abuse. Like...i wonder if these people were just young

    damn bitch you live like this? December 17, 2020 3:44 pm

    BYEEEEE you lot are SOO weird thinking that punishment sex or rough sex involves the word "no" "i dont want it" "stop".. baby you are probably underaged you never had sex ma give it up deelishis! When someone says "No" "Stop" I dont want it" its RAPE. No matter what. If you think that someone likes it when they literally say no or I dont want it you are weird as hell, like genuinely get into a psych ward or something.

    damn bitch you live like this? December 17, 2020 3:45 pm
    BYEEEEE you lot are SOO weird thinking that punishment sex or rough sex involves the word "no" "i dont want it" "stop".. baby you are probably underaged you never had sex ma give it up deelishis! When someone s... damn bitch you live like this?

    and he is, automatically and technically a damn rapist. get that right. For the last time, when someone says "no/stop" and the guy continues to do it it is rape.

    Zenitsu December 17, 2020 3:48 pm
    BYEEEEE you lot are SOO weird thinking that punishment sex or rough sex involves the word "no" "i dont want it" "stop".. baby you are probably underaged you never had sex ma give it up deelishis! When someone s... damn bitch you live like this?

    Hey, I said "i wonder" if these people were just young for going into that conclusion. Im not insulting them being younger. I was just wondering because i want to understand them. Alot of commentors makes me wonder about that for a while now.

    Though i apogize if my comment come across as an insult to you.

    Zenitsu December 17, 2020 3:53 pm
    Hey, I said "i wonder" if these people were just young for going into that conclusion. Im not insulting them being younger. I was just wondering because i want to understand them. Alot of commentors makes me wo... Zenitsu


    ZA WARUDO December 17, 2020 3:55 pm
    BYEEEEE you lot are SOO weird thinking that punishment sex or rough sex involves the word "no" "i dont want it" "stop".. baby you are probably underaged you never had sex ma give it up deelishis! When someone s... damn bitch you live like this?

    Lord here we go with people still thinking consent sex that says stop and no in the middle of it is rape. Someone must not have that much sex or rough and I mean real rough sex and punishment sex. Because a lot of punishment sex has people saying stop and no. Never had sex? Hunny I’m a grown ass person. Already graduated college UH universitiy Of Houston and plan on going back for design. I’ve been with my boyfriend of 23 for over 3 years now and we have had plenty of sexual experience. I suggest reading back on some of my comments where I have have grown conversations with woman and men about out traumas and have exchanged contact info met plenty of friends on here. If you wanna think I’m a “child” please go ahead and do so. And I suggest looking at this one comment page 17 on stimulating and how it relates to the words no and stop and your body during rough sex. Once again you can have your opinion and I can have mine.

    ZA WARUDO December 17, 2020 3:58 pm
    Alot of people on this comment section expecting vanilla sex from Taeseung and Sooyoung and I was like, what were this people on about? Its laughable tbh. There's plenty of yaoi story here that can offer that b... Zenitsu

    THANK YOU I don’t usually post comments when I see people saying shit like this but I had too. I knew I was going to get hate just like from this comment below but come on now sole of the shit they are claiming is just retarded LIKE who tf says Ahegao face means it’s rape and that he likes rape...make it make sense please. If someone wants to leave hate they can idc I’ll just say what I gotta say and they can move on.

    damn bitch you live like this? December 17, 2020 4:01 pm
    Lord here we go with people still thinking consent sex that says stop and no in the middle of it is rape. Someone must not have that much sex or rough and I mean real rough sex and punishment sex. Because a lot... ZA WARUDO

    Its not an opinion though you are a grown ass woman reading fken manhwas in university arguing in an illegal website.. )#$*)(#*%(#$% HELPPPPPPPPPPSDJSKJF. In this case of story he litro cried afterwards and he said "No/stop/I dont want to". Girl you don't see what that is? thats RAPE. you are a grown fken woman and yet you cant see it with your two damn eyes. You literally base this shvte off of a comment in a manga website ($)(##%... MOOOOOOOOVEEE lady. You need some psychological reevaluation.

    Zenitsu December 17, 2020 4:09 pm
    THANK YOU I don’t usually post comments when I see people saying shit like this but I had too. I knew I was going to get hate just like from this comment below but come on now sole of the shit they are claimi... ZA WARUDO

    I think it got alot to do with some people desperate to paint Taeseung as a rapist as if they want to one up with Minhyuk or justify Minhyuk sexual assault on Sooyoung in chapter 21. This is my assumption though so I stand corrected.
    Its weird since alot of people come forward to explain about dom/sub, rough sex and punishment play on the comment sections but certain people still want to push that rape narrative. I read the raw for LTWW until chp 38 and //spoiler// ....

    alot of of issues, SY confusion will be sort out later and SY will acknowledge that he had feelings toward TS and admit that both him and SY is already in a relationship. In fact, chapter 30 brought them closer than ever. SY will kinda going to TS home frequently and will go to work from there alot and they will go out on dates and shits TT alot will just end up looking goofy for jumping into conclusion with this story.

    ZA WARUDO December 17, 2020 4:19 pm
    Its not an opinion though you are a grown ass woman reading fken manhwas in university arguing in an illegal website.. )#$*)(#*%(#$% HELPPPPPPPPPPSDJSKJF. In this case of story he litro cried afterwards and he ... damn bitch you live like this?

    You talking about how I must be a child? Your comment just now speaks for itself.”MOOOOOOOOVE lady.” And more of whatever #%+}€¥|! That is. I buy chapters hun and I’m not in university right now preparing to go back. I don’t comment looking for fights. You are literally the one who came in here with-. so yes I am a grown ass woman commenting my opinion on a topic. Last time I checked people can have those which I said you can have yours and I can have mine. And you said I need psychological reevaluation yet look who’s typing in keyboard smash I think you should take your own advice on that. Anyways have a good days hope you seek the proper help for it.

    ZA WARUDO December 17, 2020 4:21 pm
    I think it got alot to do with some people desperate to paint Taeseung as a rapist as if they want to one up with Minhyuk or justify Minhyuk sexual assault on Sooyoung in chapter 21. This is my assumption thoug... Zenitsu

    Ugh we need more people like you we really do.

    damn bitch you live like this? December 17, 2020 4:23 pm
    I think it got alot to do with some people desperate to paint Taeseung as a rapist as if they want to one up with Minhyuk or justify Minhyuk sexual assault on Sooyoung in chapter 21. This is my assumption thoug... Zenitsu

    Girl I was weirded out and disgusted when Minhyuk sexually assaulted so next. and second of all of course it would end like that innit its a fictional story. but I don't give a fuck and I will not give a fuck even if they were to be together bla2 have a happy ending. It still stands as rape no matter what. Like literally 90% of the mangas and manhwas have rape scenes and a LOTTT of people literally defend these typa scenes and that is genuinely sickening because they are starting to take rape lightly because suddenly, the story progresses and we get to see them being together. Its stupid. People painting him as a rapist because he is, and thats just point blank period. Like theres nothing else to that.

    damn bitch you live like this? December 17, 2020 4:26 pm
    You talking about how I must be a child? Your comment just now speaks for itself.”MOOOOOOOOVE lady.” And more of whatever #%+}€¥|! That is. I buy chapters hun and I’m not in university right now prepar... ZA WARUDO

    ??????????... what does me doing keyboard smash have to do with my damn age and needing psychological reevaluation.. )(#$)(@##$(#@$?????????? you are one weird ass woman

    ZA WARUDO December 17, 2020 4:34 pm
    Girl I was weirded out and disgusted when Minhyuk sexually assaulted so next. and second of all of course it would end like that innit its a fictional story. but I don't give a fuck and I will not give a fuck e... damn bitch you live like this?

    If a manga actually has rape like literally rape where it’s forced and it’s not consent like Spinel which the top actually raped the bottom and they get a happy ending that one I did drop because of the actual rape it has. And can’t remember the other one the one where he works as like a call boy I think down and dirty I think those I can not read. If the bottom is screaming for help and throughout the chapters the bottom hates the top for it and this other one like sharpe and rabbit where the bottom gets raped by his boss or even if you don’t love me where he’s getting actually sexually assaulted or crash into me those are actually rape. Read the new chapter of crash into me where his ex actually goes and rapes him that’s rape that’s not consent. If a manga really has rape in it I will acknowledge it and will not say oh this isn’t rape because it is. I can can say that a lot of manga has this rape setting but we see some things like rough sex or punishment sex or any sex that has you stimmed out as rape or sexual assault which it is not. If both parties agree to it that is consent. Some of the thing that got claimed as rape in this are utterly ridiculous such as the Ahegao face which is the most bizarre thing I’ve heard actually it’s not I’ve seen worse being claiming by mangas like love or hate which said the main top raped him which was sooo not rape if you read the whole ass story. But once again you can have your opinion and I can have mine and this other person can have thiers.

    ZA WARUDO December 17, 2020 4:36 pm
    ??????????... what does me doing keyboard smash have to do with my damn age and needing psychological reevaluation.. )(#$)(@##$(#@$?????????? you are one weird ass woman damn bitch you live like this?

    If you didn’t get it you didn’t get it. I could literally show this to my little cousin and she would get it. I’ll let you think on it for a bit come on I know you can get your gears working oil them a bit.

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