Why are people so upset about Mongryong comparing Jeha and Dr. Kim? Jeha literally pimped Mongryong out, and all three parties involved UNDERSTOOD that. Just because Jeha suddenly realized that's not a great thing to do to your maybe-boyfriend without enthusiastic consent doesn't suddenly make Jeha a good guy. The whole point of this webtoon is both Jeha and Mongryong can be absolutely terrible (come on, they both have kidnapped AND raped each other, and it was NOT part of a scene). That's what makes this series so freaking great lol.

Senseless bullying infuriates me. The ONE good thing about living in a country that has mass shootings a minimum of few times yearly is bulls**t like this is taken care of, if only so a traumatized kid doesn't kill a bunch of their classmates. In addition to treating the guy like he's contagious, my money is on some jack@** putting BL in his bag. So now he's gotta deal with bullying and a crush on his (adopted) big bro and his brother finding out about that crush. Excuse me for a moment. *flips table*

Ummm I don't think mass shootings are a requirement for people to do something about bullying... Where I come from there are very little shootings ever and even though, like everywhere, there is bullying as well, it's NOT tolerated in anyway and everybody tries to do something about it. You can have the best of both worlds.
Like a girl changes clothes. Sheesh Saotome. That man goes from hot to cold at speeds that break the sound barrier.