Them thiigghhsss
Cutie pie
Smut and minimal plot. I don't know if this could turn into romance given they're becoming siblings by marriage. Hopefully in whatever future they have, things can work out.
All smexy, no plot. But there's only 3 chapters so I wasn't going into this expecting a lot of story. Would have been nice though! All 3 of them look nice
Such an adorable read. The top made me mad a couple times and I admittedly wanted to knock him out, but I'm happy things worked out and weren't dragged on. They're so cute, and the top ended up being quite cute as well. ( I wanna see them with a baby too huhuu).
Started off good, then halfway got annoying and dumb. Omega boy is also annoying and dumb. When he went to the brothel. I just rolled my eyes and went " Ugh ". Skipped through after he was found out by the school, tbh. It got boring. So this story is so-so
Suuuuch a good read! I love me some good ol poly couples! Esp the ones where the ending is all of them HAPPILY together ♡. No love triangle drama. Ugh Yess. So sad it's already over. They're all so cute
Good read, although the bottom. For a moment when they " fought " I thought the bottom was annoying cuz it made no sense. Other than that, cute.
It was really good. They still have things to work through, moving on throughout their relationships, but they'll get through it. A nice read (a couple triggers tho so read at your own risk)