Short but decent. The bottom is such a cutie. Thick thighs save lives <3

Yaoilover69 add 1 photos to Cute Bottoms

Them thiigghhsss

Yaoilover69 add 1 photos to Cute Bottoms
Yaoilover69 created a topic of Eunsoo's Good Day

Smut and minimal plot. I don't know if this could turn into romance given they're becoming siblings by marriage. Hopefully in whatever future they have, things can work out.

Yaoilover69 created a topic of Triangle lovers

All smexy, no plot. But there's only 3 chapters so I wasn't going into this expecting a lot of story. Would have been nice though! All 3 of them look nice

Yaoilover69 created a topic of The Third Ending

Such an adorable read. The top made me mad a couple times and I admittedly wanted to knock him out, but I'm happy things worked out and weren't dragged on. They're so cute, and the top ended up being quite cute as well. ( I wanna see them with a baby too huhuu).

Started off good, then halfway got annoying and dumb. Omega boy is also annoying and dumb. When he went to the brothel. I just rolled my eyes and went " Ugh ". Skipped through after he was found out by the school, tbh. It got boring. So this story is so-so

Yaoilover69 created a topic of Bed for Three

Suuuuch a good read! I love me some good ol poly couples! Esp the ones where the ending is all of them HAPPILY together ♡. No love triangle drama. Ugh Yess. So sad it's already over. They're all so cute

Yaoilover69 created a topic of Miss You, Lucifer

Good read, although the bottom. For a moment when they " fought " I thought the bottom was annoying cuz it made no sense. Other than that, cute.

Yaoilover69 created a topic of Mr. 100% Perfect

It was really good. They still have things to work through, moving on throughout their relationships, but they'll get through it. A nice read (a couple triggers tho so read at your own risk)

So short Σ(゚Д゚;)
But cute (TʖT)

Yaoilover69 created a topic of Camping

M-Monster meat Σ(゚Д゚;)