Rarely see a bottom (or character in general) with freckles. How cute.
As for the story, hmm I kinda skimmed through it. I didn't read it slow like I would others. Maybe cuz I couldn't get THAT into it. But it wasn't bad. Glad they talked things through to and it wasn't dragged out like other stories.
Nice happy ending too.
I just skimmed really. The art style doesn't capture my heart that much but it isn't horrible. The story to was kinda meh. Plus how the top kept sleep talking about his old crush, and then the scene where he spoke about marrying the bottom near his old crush, made it feel like idk.
It didn't feel good. The crying and such, the expressions. It looks like the top is just settling for the bottom because he can't have ex crush. Didn't like this story all that much
Near the end the bottom pissed me off. Turned me off from the whole manga I swear. I've read SO many stories like this that it just makes me mad and roll my eyes. Yeah it was cute until the ex came along. Then it was just unnecessary angst. Made me scoff and wanna throw my phone. It was ok. Not that amazing. Sex scenes were pretty good tho. It's a happy ending, but just didn't float my boat.
It was so good, I even teared up a bit at the end. This couple was so wholesome and they talked their problems out together. The top is such a green flag as well. I love how everything turned out.
There's some conflict and drama, but nothing like how crazy it is in other BLs. I loved this story