I totally agree with everyone else. It hurts even more to know it was once love. Real love. I hate the reality that love just isn't enough sometimes, this time it was poverty.
I would also hope like Na Haesu, that in the face of struggle and poverty, me and my partner would push through it together. As long as we're together, but that's when you see whether you'll stick or fall apart.
They definitely do also seem like their own ML and FL main romance couple in a manhwa back in highschool. But time skipped to the future, the part you don't see, is the tragic downfall of them.
And yeah, this has scared me more about marriage too. If only I could really know people's real selves before getting into a relationship. Sometimes people are just such good liars. I wish that Mincheol was truly sincere in the things he did for Na Haesu, though low-key what if everything he was doing good was just him trying to overcompensate for something bad about himself.
Like, does anybody remember that Ned Fulmer guy going on and on about his wife like it was his whole brand? Then he was caught cheating. Unexpected, or was it? If you look back and see his choice of words and opinions, it would occasionally shine a light on his true colors. So it turns out his whole I love my wife thing was just a mask to hide his cheating side.
Same with John Mulaney. I love my wife jokes. But in the end, they really were just jokes. Cuz when pandemic hit in 2020, he cheated on her and had a son with another celebrity during the affair, therefore him forcefully ending the marriage without the wife having a chance to consider staying with him. And we were also clowns for putting a crown on him, saying John Mulaney and his wife were Hades and Persephone and stuff. Once again, it turns out all his I love my wife talk was probably something done out of subconscious guilt for being unfaithful or his potential unfaithfulness.
So Mincheol in highschool would do all this for Na Haesu. Give her something each morning, working hard to buy her a phone, calling her wifey in public. All sweet and good things. But does it secretly just try to compensate for a bad nature he could be hiding?
"The trust of the innocent is a liar's most useful tool."
I don't want to believe that we live in a world where when a guy is being romantic and sweet to you actually means that they're bad. But do try to see if beyond all the kindness could be mal intentions.
(Low-key if they announce their love in front of everybody around or in public in a way that's too loud or repetitively, it could be them just trying to build an image for themselves that they love their partner so they won't be suspected otherwise. They're mostly just trying to convince others and themselves. It's like that one story in the Bible. A man who prays in public, but just so that others would see him praying, not because they're sincerely faithful.)
There's this thing they say couples should try to do, though it's not 100% guarantee, is going on a backpacking trip together. Especially somewhere difficult. There'll be a lot of walking, limited food and water, tiring amounts of travelling without much rest. Because it's easy to stay together through the good and peaceful times with each other, but put yourselves in the worst conditions, then see how you treat each other. Because in the many years you'll stay together, something just as difficult as this trip could one day strike you two.
Anyways that's all my yapping.