can someone spoil me ! i am seeing people talking about some spoilers but won’t say what so here i am TwT ...

According to others, a lot of bad shit is about to happen. I’m assuming its later on in the story but Elijah gets taken over by some other soul from Arthur’s past life and a ton of people we know will die :D some of which include Arthur’s dad. The “new” Elijah falls in love with Tess and they battle it out for her love or something. Ish messed up :c

Spoiler to correct:
Elijah isn't fighting over Tess' love. I don't know if Elijah was reborn from his old friend from Arthurs' past life or if he was him the entire time and Elijah was keeping a secret, they kind of gloss over that detail. Elijah was Grey's best friend in his other life, and he was an inventor, they had a mutual friend who was innately strong with Chi. They grew up in an orphanage together (all three of them) and the dean was murdered, someone that they were quite fond of and looked up to as a mother. They each have their own motivation to do what they do, but Grey tries to become king, so does the girl they know (I don't remember her name lets call her Peg) and Elijah knows that there is an insurrection happening where it would make Peg a pawn, she's extremely powerful and they want to use her as a weapon, and Elijah just wants her to run away with her because he loves her. Anyways, Elijah talks to Grey and begs him to listen and help him and Grey thinks that his best option to help is to become king and free them that way. The way to become king is through some sort of gladiator columbine where they fight to the death in swordplay and chi. Peg and Grey have to fight, and Grey can't even touch her because her chi is so strong (Grey has the worst chi out of all of them, but makes up for it in technique through the sword). Peg attacks Grey and he kills her (not on purpose). Peg basically committed suicide by Grey's sword while Elijah watched him kill her. She didn't want to be a pawn and she had a bad existence (she was kidnapped and while they lived together she usually had seizure style chi attacks where she would go out of control). Anywho, Elijah blames Arthur for killing Peg, and he wants him to suffer horribly by trying to kill Tess.

Well, yeah i'm not sure if Elijah's personality disappears, if that's how he always was, or what, cause in the webnovel we only ever see him once after he gets captured and that's when he's fighting Arthur and Tess and he's just yelling at Arthur telling him how much of a piece of shit he is and how he's gonna make his life just as bad as his. Also, Arthur doesn't get it easy at all. Afterall he's the strongest mage in all of Dicathen so certain things are expected of him and he has to go through hell to keep his family and Tess safe.
yay ! finally this is made into a manwha ^-^
Where can i read the novel?