with how this is going I doubt there’s ever gonna be any love involved I read a comment about the novel and basically it’s JS gonna go downhill from here (apparently seme dehumanizes the uke and treats him like a dog?????)
with how this is going I doubt there’s ever gonna be any love involved I read a comment about the novel and basically it’s JS gonna go downhill from here (apparently seme dehumanizes the uke and treats him ... akina
the novel has a warning at the start that says this story involves zero romance or love, the story is just r*pe and violence. I also finished the novel and it was rough to read
Same. When does this story end? And I’ll fully read . I’m just more annoyed cause Main Owen is jealous and I want that sorted out so I know Main Owen feels SECURE AND HAS SELF LOVE (loves other parts of him; other Owens).
hajime looks like kim juyeon from “reverse thinking”