Solemn Midnight created a topic of Dating to Survive

Is this worth reading?

Solemn Midnight asked a question

I'm looking for more stories where the female leads genuinely care for the ML and spoil them. I don't know if I'm looking for intimacy, domestic love, or acts of love but something that shows they mutually care for each other as partners. I have some examples from what I've been reading and they are very different genres.

Concubine Scandal ("I'm more fond of you than I thought I was" or " I've decided to spend my life with you")

As the Heart Leads (massages his palms so he can fall asleep on her lap, not in mutual relationship yet tho)

Housekeeper in the Dungeon (makes him dinner and helps him sleep with her skills, no relationship yet)

Selfish Romance (notices his cuts and puts the bandaid on for him)

Solemn Midnight like the experience about question
im tired of this syllabus. my marks won't ever improve, it's been downhill for a few months and despite giving my 100% they keep going down. i have an exam tomorrow, and i already did some revision work a few days ago but I don't even wanna look at my books right now. had class today but I don't wanna look at the coursework we completed today. i do......
Solemn Midnight created a topic of As The Heart Leads

Give me recs, I have such withdrawal. Legit anything fluffy and actually good character relations. I've enjoyed Selfish Romance as well, what other gems are out there?

Solemn Midnight created a topic of As The Heart Leads

This is the direction we need to move towards people!!! Writing stories with actual human bonds and feelings that aren't centered on the mc always being a girlboss and knowing everything about everything.

I love the little details and being able to see their emotional progress, feels like I'm watching a sincere married couple and a genuine love bloom. They mutually think about each other of their own will, and there's no weird power dynamic with the girl coming in knowing everything and using the ml for her goals, I'm so tired of lackluster stories like that. She also doesn't have a token best friend to take her side, and she's not confident in her abilities but she has the desire to be better for him, I love Hailey so much. Authors better be taking notes on how to make complex characters and how to grow a relationship.

Solemn Midnight created a topic of PPPPPP

Wait what? Before I knew it I was already on ch 66 and it's suddenly over. Did this get dropped?? Was that the ending?? Wthhh say it isn't so

Solemn Midnight created a topic of PPPPPP

Wait what? Before I knew it I was already on ch 66 and it's suddenly over. Did this get dropped?? Was that the ending?? Wthhh

Give me some recs pleaseee. I was some romance with actual intimacy and dialogue, I've also like Couple Breaker

Solemn Midnight created a topic of Scammed and Rammed

Ohh I get it now, so one gets scammed and the other gets rammed

I watched the anime like months ago, my most recently memory was Kirio's disguise and plan during the festival. Maybe the manga has a different perspective but most of the episodes seemed like slice of life. So should I read from chapter 1 or at the end of the season 2 (I think?)

no joke the withdrawal is so bad rn, I NEED more stories like this. Can you please recommend me some with similar storytelling or darkness that just creeps up on you but still gives you that fluttering feeling???

Solemn Midnight created a topic of Minority

Was there a side story about the cousins and tutors relationship in the future, looks like they didn't stay together in the end.

Solemn Midnight created a topic of Prince of Prince

Ok it isn't just me is it? They're foreshadowing really hard that Shi Hyun and Yoona might not be their biological children. I'm guessing in the past they were homeless and shi hyun was bothered with taking care of a small Yoona by himself and lost her so now he's just overly protective of her and maybe a little guilty for thinking of her as an annoyance before.

Ch 11. He specifically calls her his blood sister
Ch 18. There's a flashback of him letting go of her, if they were celebrities why wouldn't they have guards or assistants nearby?
Ch 41. He's being really defensive against there supposed "mother" and using clear distinct language like "my sister" and she picks up on that and keeps emphasizing she's their mom.

It's been a while since I finished this but I need moreeee. Does anyone have any more recommendations of bl in the Victorian era or other? I'll literally take anything that has an actual main plot to it.

Solemn Midnight followed a goer

I read and I judge!!!!!

mainly use mangago to look for stuff I want to
 purchase irl [supporting artists (ㅎㅅㅎ)ノ]

30 06,2024

Surprised people doubted the friend at first, I found him hilarious and endearing, everyone shows friendship in diff ways and I thought that was their unique dynamic. I thought it was for comedic effect with KS' unreliable narration while his friend performs all those acts of service, kinda tsundere ish. His actions/words did not match his face lolol.

Anyway it looks like KS lacked a lot of confidence before so he took his friends words to heart and started mimicking his facial expressions. Kinda bittersweet if u think of it as he always thought his friend was strong and started modeling after him, using it as a mask after they separated. It's basically a habit now but probably a shield for himself.

Hoping for a reunion, please Satan make it happen and also more of Kim Suho's actual personality shining through. Do I smell character development/complexity?

Also, will Javier ever see him in his og body, cuz my boy needs to save some face he didn't look half-bad at all.

Why are people saying turns out the friend was actually good. I thought it was for comedic effect with KS' unreliable narration while his friend performs all those acts of service, kinda tsundere ish. His actions did not match his face lolol.

Anyway it looks like KS lacked a lot of confidence before so he took his friends words and experience to heart and started mimicking his facial expressions. Kinda bittersweet if u think of it as he always thought his friend was strong and started modeling after him, using it as a mask.

Hoping for a reunion, please Satan make it happen and also more of Kim Suho's actual personality shining through

Solemn Midnight created a topic of Paljae

Does anyone have any recommendations similar to this? Primarily something like the storytelling and natural progression of the relationship. I need a STORY that tells itself without any of the annoying narratives.

Solemn Midnight like the answer
Immediately drop a yaoi if it starts with a hardcore sex scene in the first chapter. I want slow burn and well developed romance not porn.
Solemn Midnight like the answer
Office romance... I just can't stand it. You mean I should come home from work just to read some shitty CEO/Boss get down with their coworker??? FUCK THAT! GEMME SOME ACTION PACKED DRAGON FANTACY LORE. I'm trying to ESCAPE- Not die from CRINGE!