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nona October 16, 2023 7:24 am

all I remember is that it’s a story about a girl who’s mom died and her dad is a big pos who was drawing blood (I think??) from her and when her grandpa (on her moms side) visited she wanted to go with him instead (I think this was not reincarnation but sent back in time? I don’t remember too well) to live and she meets her uncle who’s this big beefy guy that’s actually sweet and they all love her. and her aunt is a total bada*s and they have animal familiars or something?? I forget exactly but I remember she tried to bond with the guardian (I think that’s what they called it) in the mountains behind they’re place because of being in danger or something. sorry I rambled I’ve been looking for this story after starting it for days and my dumba*s forgot to bookmark it or save it to a list

    Star15 October 16, 2023 8:19 am

    I think it’s this one “ It's My Destiny To Be The Hero's Saviour”

    nona October 16, 2023 10:58 am
    I think it’s this one “ It's My Destiny To Be The Hero's Saviour” Star15

    thank you! It is, I appreciate your help!

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