Okay from my impression to this two.
ML is.... Really an obsessive yandere type. From the first chapter, when I see him I had feeling that he's a red flag and then... I knew it-
From graping him and the mc didn't even give consent and didn't even know about it. It's just so wrong of him.
In chapter 33 or 34 when I thinking when they visits mc's brother, I'm just trying to fix last piece of the missing mc's brother... I was thinking that it's ml's the one who killed mc's brother and just how he acts in the grave...
and I didn't know that he literally eat him-
Just because he wants to meet mc. Really bro? All just because you were jealous of him? Really!?
In mc well he doesn't deserved it. He suffered too much of what happened in his past life, and the present life. My boy really needs some rest.
The only thing that I say about this ending is that it's quite tragic and creepy at the same. from ml well he's so jealous of his mc's brother from how lonely he is and it's really been so long and just been hallucinating and just killed mc's brother... Mc's is not his fault from this mess, we all know that it's not his fault... He's too depressed about from what happened from his brother and his parents then just blamed himself...
He was free from the depression and just- shows up from worst.
Ummm... I think the author just let it rushed the ending and let it be our imagination to decide what will happened to them... Idk this is just my thoughts... Don't take it too seriously..
(No hate from my comments everyone, this is just my thoughts.)