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pihiida March 15, 2019 11:36 am

Am I the only one who kinda understands the point Emma is trying to make? Humans also eat meat and kill animals even though they could survive without it.(I eat meat because I like it, same with the demons wanting to eat humans). I also think that the demons are awful, but what is the difference between the humans and the demons when it comes to eating other living beings? In one chapter Emma killed a rabbit (?) and I think that she already thought about this situation back then. She also saw the demon families who were just trying to live their lives buying food like any human would. I think that Emma is conflicted because the demons who are not being total a**holes are just trying to survive like they are. So would it really be okay to just kill them all for wanting to be alive? - I could also be really wrong but these are just my thoughts (●'β—‘'●)οΎ‰

    Jazzy_yaoi_ March 15, 2019 2:42 pm

    I totally agree with you!!

    Kil Akechi March 15, 2019 3:02 pm

    Both sides are following their instincts of survival which is what makes picking a side more difficult.

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