The fact you bitches would complain about rape in real life then get off on it, is fucking sick. No this isn’t a “preference” rape. Is. Fucking. Disgusting. Through and through. If you find it hot, I’ve got 3 options. 1, die. Fucking do us a favour and off yourself before you actually rape someone. 2, get help. This is the same sick fetish people who rape people have. No. You are not different. All that convincing yourself you’re “not doing anything wrong” is you being fucking mentally ill, and in the worst way. Option 3 is come to me, and I’ll get rid of your sad existence myself. STOP. FETISHIZING. RAPE. AND. CALLING. IT. OKAY.
It’s not. It will never be. If you disagree with me, or have a fight, please, by all means get fucked. I mean, sorry, raped. Because I... think you deserve it? Yeah. I do. Truly. Won’t get off anymore will ya :))))
Edit- obviously none of you have understood me. What I am trying to explain to you, and you are obviously not understanding. RAPE. IS. BAD.
I don’t give a fuck whether you decided it’s OK because they’re “not real”. that is stupid. you are stupid. you are so stupid. so so goddamn stupid.
I am telling you this is bad. it is a bad thing to enjoy. it is a bad thing to get off on. it is bad to MAKE this kind of media, let alone masturbate to it.
I don’t care whether they’re not real. no they are not real. but this kind of shit happens in real life. and it’s disgusting and so are you for getting off on it, AND trying to justify it????
If you have decided that because they are not real people, that this is OK, then obviously you have conditions to rape. And that means rape is an OK thing.
the problem is that rape is not OK. it doesn’t matter whether it is a person who you’ve decided deserves it or whatever, or if that person is dead, or if that person is nonexistent. literally. IT DOESNT FUCKING MATTER.
you are no different than the people who go out to bars drug people and then rape them you are no better literally you may not be touching somebody yourself ,this may not be a real person but the problem you are not FUCKING COMPREHENDING...is that rape is bad.
through and fucking through.
it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter I don’t care whether these people are not real this kind of shit happens to people and it’s disgusting and you are getting off on it.
not only are 90% of you more than likely little girls that don’t know your goddamn ass from your mouth .clearly. but you think this is OK you think this is an OK thing and you justify it.YOU ARE JUSTIFYING RAPE . and if you justify this, you are no better than the actual rapists that walk this planet.
Obv none of you have any experience with this shit. So you get off on it. And think it’s okay. Definitely don’t tell anyone irl about this cuz if you find me, or I find you... welp. Shit happens lmao.