the goofy narcissist dork turns into the white night and the white night turns into the dark knight.. who knew that exchanging bodies could fit their personalities so well, and it looks like somebody is a third well. will everything work out in the end, well.. i hope not
You know you love me
XOXO, Gossip girl

In my family twins share everything together , they share the womb of their mother, the sperm of their father , the clothes, room, and life.. but i was not inform that twins can also share the same man but hey! everybody needs drama once in a while, and drama is the best when it includes twins and a hot childhood friend.
I know you love me
XOXO, Gossip Girl
me:i mean..it ain't that bad
me again: bitch, you just delusional because you like the second seme
( ̄へ ̄)