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Rishi December 11, 2023 6:29 pm

!! Chap 61 Spoilers Ahead !!

They’re having sex and seoan refuses to be apart from woowon because he’s so desperate and afraid of woowon leaving him. the only reason they stop is because seoan passes out. then woowon takes care of him and puts him to bed. woowon understands that seoan is anxious and uncomfortable because of his environment. he wonders if something bad happened between yeongjin and his friend group. Woowon could clearly feel how judgemental and scrutinizing they were so he thinks seoan must have had countless unpleasant experiences with them. some lines from our precious woowon this chap:
"I’ll be by your side. It won't be hard anymore if we're together"
"What should I do to make you feel secured?"
"If I love you so much, can I make you no longer feel anxious?"
"I wish I could protect you from all the hurtful things in the world."
Seoan baby I hope you eventually stop feeling so afraid of him leaving you because THAT will never happen

    Akutagawaaaaaaa December 11, 2023 7:01 pm

    WOOWON IS THE STANDARD. He understands what Seoan feels, thinks, can read what situation Seoan had been through, had a abusive, bad father but still grew to be a good person. I was worried this new chapter would be full of angst but now I'm relieved TwT.
    The problem left is what those mfs will do with that recording.

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