wow this guy suuuuuuucks
genuinely I can’t get over it. I normally have a pretty high tolerance for seedy puppetmaster love interests but, in spite of this being significantly fluffier and sfw than other stories with guys like this, I find his oiliness levels to be off the charts. Maybe it’s the way yoon never even thought abt what the mc would decide for himself, maybe it’s this bullshit doting boyfriend act, or the way yoon totally removed any chance the mc had of hearing the full story, or maybe it’s the ENTIRELY unnecessary 3D chess when the mc seemed to like him JUST FINE on his own… god i just want the mc to run for the damn hills.
Like ‘he’ll be president soon’ THATS SCARY. HES A SCARY GUY.
AHAHAHHAHAHA wowwww what a note to end on. I knew the mc was an absolute prick about being vulnerable, but he was truly an unflinching dickhead to the last moment. Genuinely burst out laughing when i saw ‘The End’. I can’t tell whether I loved him or hated him but he was certainly interesting!!!!!
Seriously this comic feels kinda messy bc it had strong, STRONG moments of philosophical dialogue, but some absolutely coconuts pacing and romantic development. It’s so all over the place in its thesis statement on the balancing act of leaders exercising brutality as needed, while still feeding the core of humanity within them that needs to be compassionate. A compelling premise, but it doesn’t exactly have much to do with the actual interpersonal development, so it feels like missed potential. Overall I certainly can’t say I thought this was good, but it’s certainly different!