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blueberok January 15, 2020 2:12 am

Each time I see a character get a makeover they always look different yet good and like... Each time I try new clothes I just look like a different brand of potatoes... Ishimori looking cute tho.

    SilverTiger January 15, 2020 8:50 pm

    Agreed! And then it really sucks when you find a cute outfit, but it doesn't suit your body type and you actually do end up looking like a bag of potatoes...

    Luckily, I don't go shopping for clothing but maybe once or twice a year, so I don't get super depressed about not finding anything that's cute and looks good on my body.

    monster under the bed January 17, 2020 10:50 pm

    And that magic makeover after taking off glasses ╥﹏╥. While, after taking over my glasses , i'm only going from o.o to -.-...

    monster under the bed January 17, 2020 10:50 pm
    And that magic makeover after taking off glasses ╥﹏╥. While, after taking over my glasses , i'm only going from o.o to -.-... monster under the bed

    'off, not over :)

blueberok October 6, 2019 3:33 pm

I don't hate Ueno as much as other commenters seem to. She escalate situations until it's serious and need to be adressed. Ueno was the one treating Nishi the most like she wasn't disabled, like she was a normal person who simply had a difficulty to hear. I like her!

For one, she's been the most honest through all of the manga. Things she likes, hates, that she's a bad person, she's been super honest.

Also when she said Nishi didn't communicate, it's not that she was pointing out she was deaf. She said she didn't even attempt to tell others what she felt. Ueno was one of the first to point out/know that Nishi was fake smiling and always put the blame on herself, never defending herself like she should have.

People who are sad Yuzuru let her beat Nishi don't understand Yuzuru knows all Nishi's bulies, and that Ueno was the one who acted the most like Nishi is independant. Sure hitting Nishi was bad, even Ueno knows that, but she was prepared to get hit as well, Nishi still has arms to hit with and defend herself (definitively not saying hitting her was ok).

So while Ueno was definitively a bitch, she's one of my favorite character and I'd love to have her as a friend.

    Nurusen December 12, 2019 11:37 am

    The one I actually hate is kawai. She's improved at the end of the Manga but God was she painful to watch.

    nanne March 2, 2020 10:36 pm
    The one I actually hate is kawai. She's improved at the end of the Manga but God was she painful to watch. Nurusen

    Yeah same

    MOSHIYUSHI July 29, 2020 11:20 am
    The one I actually hate is kawai. She's improved at the end of the Manga but God was she painful to watch. Nurusen

    She is so narcissistic and the sad fact is we don't even know if she's going to truly change considering how she likes to victim-blame herself.

Drinks's questions ( All 8 )

blueberok July 28, 2018 3:27 am

Met this guy irl (he's actually working for an NPO) he knows anime and we had some commons interests but I have no friends and no social life so I don't know how to interact. He texted me this morning and I have no idea how to answer, how to befriend, and if I'm just being scammed (are dudes working for non-profit organisation really going far enough to meet people in cafés and stuff?)

I would really like a friend and the guy just seemed real nice. For someone afraid to talk to strangers we had quite a long conversation and I never felt anxious talking. I'm just anxious about the next steps to knowing someone.

    Night July 28, 2018 3:33 am


    okayreiji July 28, 2018 3:34 am

    Cliché, but when talking, just be yourself. When you see him next, do a friendly greeting and maybe bring up your common interests? I get very anxious about these things as well (if you do too, the “as well” part makes sense right). Light conversation works well first off. Just make sure to smile when talking, if you do he’ll feel more welcomed and less intimidated, and look him in the eyes, but not too much. Good luck.

    Lord Bread July 28, 2018 3:40 am

    I normally do weird stuff; I once twerked a light post.
    So good luck.

    Wayfinder July 28, 2018 3:42 am

    Hey there! I also have no social life and trouble with this stuff too lol I’m not sure what he texted you this morning, but usually I find that asking the person questions about his/herself really helps. It can keep the conversation going and it can give you the opportunity not to worry over what to say next. Then of course, the other person can ask you questions about yourself. So you said he knows some anime/has common interests, so maybe ask some more questions relating to that. Personally, I don’t think it sounds like he’s scamming you. If you meet him out at a cafe or something like that, you can make small talk at the start and then gear the conversation towards common interests or maybe even something new you would like to learn about him. Getting to know someone is really all about connecting with a person in different aspects or areas and learning about them in whatever way works :) Sorry if this doesn’t help at all xD just the ideas that came to mind. I hope it all works out for you!

    blueberok July 28, 2018 3:49 am

    You're right I usually get anxious. And yea Lord Bread I do weird stuff as well (too used to the weird part of the internet) so I guess it adds up to the anxiousness. Also he just texted : Hello this is Patrick (no pun it's his name) with Lil smiley. So it's weird to just answer hello?

    Zeffyra July 28, 2018 3:51 am

    guy: hi...
    you: happy birthday?

    Wayfinder July 28, 2018 3:52 am
    You're right I usually get anxious. And yea Lord Bread I do weird stuff as well (too used to the weird part of the internet) so I guess it adds up to the anxiousness. Also he just texted : Hello this is Patrick... blueberok

    Well if he said hi, you can say “hey” and ask what’s up or ask how he is :)

    Little July 28, 2018 3:56 am
    guy: hi...you: happy birthday? Zeffyra

    Waiter/waitress: Enjoy your food!
    Me: you too!
    Waiter/ waitress: ....
    Me: ....

    blueberok July 28, 2018 3:58 am

    Zeffyra you totally summed up what I do under anxiety (≧∀≦) I'm the kind to answer to "paper bag or plastic bag?" with "yes"... Online I write a bit better just cause it's not as weird as lot of other stuff online...

    okayreiji July 28, 2018 4:01 am
    You're right I usually get anxious. And yea Lord Bread I do weird stuff as well (too used to the weird part of the internet) so I guess it adds up to the anxiousness. Also he just texted : Hello this is Patrick... blueberok

    I say reply with hello/hi, but with a little something extra. So if he wants to talk, he can make a branch topic.

    Little July 28, 2018 4:41 am

    Just answer back like>> Hello! How was your day??/how r u?
    And then maybe try and start a conversation about anime/manga or just about life.. im not very social.. so i cant help that much... but i do talk alot on the internet.. so whenever someone says hi to me i will say " Hey! How r u? "
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Night July 28, 2018 5:02 am
    Waiter/waitress: Enjoy your food!Me: you too! Waiter/ waitress: ....Me: .... Little

    Me: *Opens door for people*
    - after 2+ minutes of holding the door for a wave of people -
    Stranger: I can get that *grabs door*
    Me: *looks at their arm which is blatantly blocking my path*
    Me: Thanks *Limbos under arm and doesn't look back*

    Little July 28, 2018 5:38 am
    Me: *Opens door for people*- after 2+ minutes of holding the door for a wave of people -Stranger: I can get that *grabs door*Me: *looks at their arm which is blatantly blocking my path*Me: Thanks *Limbos under ... Night

    Me: *Finishes coke*
    Waiter/waitress: Would you like another look??
    Me: *doesnt hear them and looks down* oh.. uhhhh...
    Waiter/waitress: ....
    Sister: Do you want another coke? yes or no?
    Me: *feels dumb and embarrassed*

    Little July 28, 2018 5:38 am
    Me: *Finishes coke*Waiter/waitress: Would you like another look??Me: *doesnt hear them and looks down* oh.. uhhhh...Waiter/waitress: ....Sister: Do you want another coke? yes or no? Me: OH! UH YES! PLEASE. Me: ... Little

    would you like another coke?))

    Zeffyra July 28, 2018 5:46 am
    Zeffyra you totally summed up what I do under anxiety (≧∀≦) I'm the kind to answer to "paper bag or plastic bag?" with "yes"... Online I write a bit better just cause it's not as weird as lot of other stu... blueberok

    been there... hahahah...
    guy: hi...
    you: happy birthday?
    ...if the guy catches that awkwardness and adds humor to it... wrap and tie that guy up... he's the one for u....

    Night July 28, 2018 7:27 pm
    would you like another coke?)) Little

    Waiter/Waitress: How would you like your eggs - sunny side up or over easy?
    Me: Uh... whichever one means that it's cooked.
    Waiter/Waitress: They both are.
    Me: Oh.

    Little July 28, 2018 7:37 pm
    Waiter/Waitress: How would you like your eggs - sunny side up or over easy?Me: Uh... whichever one means that it's cooked.Waiter/Waitress: They both are.Me: Oh. Night

    Waiter/waitress: What can i get you to eat?? *looks at me*
    Me: *stares at waiter/waitress while in just being in space*
    Waiter/waitress: .........
    Me: OH! UMM....... *orders something*

    Little July 28, 2018 9:36 pm
    Waiter/waitress: What can i get you to eat?? *looks at me*Me: *stares at waiter/waitress while in just being in space*Waiter/waitress: ......... Me: OH! UMM....... *orders something* Little

    while im))

blueberok April 22, 2018 2:29 am

the dude fell in love with a geek but the geek hates him at first. then the geek realise the person he texts and find cute in mannerism is the litt. guy he hates. then they go out. it's a very cute story and i just forgot the name of it T.T so can't find it

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