anws i didnt check the comments b4 reading this so i didnt know this was hated but damn, not deserved. like i get it, let the top suffer more or whatever but BRO he was already suffering a lot even before wuyi came into his life? like hello?? bro thought his lover died, whose family weren't supportive of them, he was probably guilt tripped and he absolutely felt guilty abt it, and for like 3 years??? he wasnt even over it when he met wuyi the housekeeper.
and the angst is absolutely delicious LIKE MY HEART HURT SO GOOD FOR WUYI. i love substitute plots when done right and frfr loved it. wuyi was literally willing to be his ex's substitute and pretended he was fine AND IT HURT ME! this part, muwan was crazy for letting it happen but in the end he realized his mistake and was gonna self sabotage again lol, but wuyi our sweetheart wouldnt do that.
i mean all throughout, i get the frustration u might have with muwan but considering whatever happened to him, i sort of understand it. if there's an opportunity for u to be free of whatever ure suffering from, u would do it, and they both did it. wuyi knew he was up for failure but our boy is delusional, and muwan knew he's crazy for letting it happen but he still did it to escape from his past and move on (thats how i interpreted his actions). im also kind of blaming muwan bc he's an adult ffs but like adults can be mentally ill too... and so
SEOJOON THE MVP OF ALL, JUST GIVE ME A CHANCE!! plot literally used him multiple times to progress the story, hated them for that but whatever. seojoon, u deserve better treatment than this!
2024-10-23 23:30 marked
does anybody have any recs like this? a pretty and clingy seme?