Can someone plz explain what happened in chapter 61

Shiwoo is just in bed all the time and yujin asks if he is bored and wants to have sex
Shiwoo saids if yujin want to they can do it so yujin puts his fingers in..
Yujin says things like 'do you like it here?' 'If you want to stop or if it hurts say it right away'
Obviously yujin mean it in a caring way and shiwoo likes being touched by yujin but since shiwoo is mentally unstable he is really worried that if he react a lot yujin will think he is a slut or get mad or sth and starts crying
Yujin asks why are you crying and this disturbs shiwoo even more because his ex used to ask that before abusing shiwoo(yujin asked because he was worried tho)
Yujin says its okay and to forget about everything and focus on feeling good
People who dont speak korean well but read the raws are misinterpreting the story a lot..lol
The last chapters are far from rape and i know cause korean is my first language

Ppl who still r blaming Eunho for treating Jaeha the same way he treated Eunho,let me remind u that Jaeha was the one who asked Eunho what he can do to make him feel better at least and Eunho wouldn’t have done these if he hadn’t asked for it,and he never wanted Jaeha to do that in first place
And Eunho was honest
Just it

But I don't recall jaeha being rude to eunho
And the age difference doesn't work like that
How is it the same ?
U don't even know why jaeha did yet , and he only pushed him away , he didn't treat him rudely ,he broke up with him , so if he was to do the same , eunho should break up with him ...

Rough translation to what eunho will tell jaeha " I did the same as those ppl did to you" ..

So what if the age matters? That doesn’t mean Jaeha didn’t do anything wrong
Oh I know why he did that because he was scared of HIMSELF getting hurt
And again,he was the one who asked Eunho what he can do to make him feel better
U think it’s okay if Eunho gets hurt because he agreed to being sex buddies but it works the same about Jaeha too
And Eunho knows what he’s doing,probably If he hadn’t known,Jaeha would’ve been kept being a shitty person for his entire life while regretting his actions and hurting more people

OK so the agreement was about having sex not being rude ,
So jaeha was doing hus part of the deal but eunho wasnt
the fact that u made it as eunho was doing "what he pleases " to make himself feel better as jaeha asked makes eunho even worse , if u think that eunho likes it while being rude to jaeha , or find any consolidation in the matter and still like him then either a) u r so weird for liking him having a blast about treating a hyung like that and more importantly ,b) u don't get eunho at all ..
He is venting his anger of circumstances into what he sees as cause without understanding , and age does matter a big deal in Korea FYI , it is really a big deal there ,
Jaeha kept cuz he loved him , he threw hints at him for him to come back , but not cuz of rudeness but due to persistence , and not letting go ,
I really can't see jaeha wrong at all , considering circumstances , u chose to ignore the method justifying it for the sake of the greater end , something I can't tolerate , it is the communication and treating each other right is what all relationships about , seeing them not communicating due to jaeha is the only wrong thing jaeha did in my point of view , other than that , the illness in communication and treating each other is eunho's
U said it urself darling , hurting others cuz u r hurt isn't justified , isn't that literally what eunho does ?
Jaeha didn't mean to hurt him , he pushed him away and broke up with him , and considering him being an equal part of the relationship , he has every right to do so ,

So Jaeha’s actions r justifiable because he’s older? That means I can play around with anyone just because i’m older than some ppl
And no;he didn’t say he should be rude to him,but he said ‘do whatever you please’ and Eunho was just honest
Plus;he wasn’t rude at all
Isn’t it what Jaeha said before? Well I guess I know where Eunho learned to be rude
Yes,Eunho isn’t the best character in the world,he annoys me because he’s super clingy and he should’ve just gone when Jaeha rejected him instead of acting like a 12 years old boy and chasing after someone like him who is a selfish person and can’t get his thoughts together
And everything I said applies to Jaeha as well
and do you thing Jaeha treated Eunho right before? Despite the fact he knew Eunho has feelings for him he still played with his feelings and then just broke up and didn’t even bother to tell him and be honest with him,not only Eunho but also his ex
He used his ex as a sex and comfort tool
So I can’t really see him innocent in this case
Because he’s a jerk and that’s a fact
He needs to talk instead of hiding and playing around with people
And if he has the right to easily break someone who’s been in love with him for YEARS and been treated like trash by the person they love,Eunho has the right to be ‘rude’ to Jaeha too
And stop justifying Jaeha’s actions
He’s not an innocent baby
He hurt many people because he had bad experiences and thanks to him,now at least three people have bad experiences
If you have bad experiences in your life;go and play with people’s emotions
But nobody has the right to treat you the same way and if they do,it’s a taboo
Sounds like the right thing to do
And Eunho is an idiot for chasing after a jerk like Jaeha

U know I really wish someone would treat him the same way , the same way of always letting go of him instead of being chased after
It is not the same , what eunho did and what jaeha did is actually the opposite , one is letting go and one is forcing in
Stop saying it is the same cuz it is not even close , he isn't treated the same way he treated eunho at all ,
If I broke up with someone , and he agreed to become just a sex partner , no he doesn't have the right to be rude to me , nor has the right to ask about my affairs since he agreed to be a sex partner and we r no longer in a . Relationship ,
The sex scenes were made as a force of venting and really the sense of guilt u r talking about , the one that made jaeha say what u r so gladly pointing out is out of responsibility , and eunho taking it like that is plain childish ,
I don't say he didn't hurt anyone , but I'm saying what could he possibly do ? If I tried to change and couldn't , it isn't playing with ppl's emotions , it is feature a failed attempt of change ,
U clearly don't know how big of a deal age is in Korea , it is even in the form of speech , it is hard to explain , but if u know kdrama and kpop u will get it ,
What did jaeha did to eunho other than pushing him away , and getting back together and then breaking up ? Doesn't that look like failed attempts to u ? That isn't playing with emotions , rather he would be playing with both of their emotions , it isn't , it is trying and failing and being reminded with previous hindrance
Honestly just wait for next chapters , whoever side u may choose , they will get together , I'm tired and u won't understand ..

Jaeha has feelings for Eunho yet he keeps breaking his heart and as you said ‘lets go’
But about the sex partners part I have to say they were in a relationship when Jaeha decided to break up because he didn’t want himself to get hurt and I don’t really think he was thinking about Eunho
We all know they were in a relationship when they broke up i don’t really know why people who are justifying Jaeha’s actions keep ignoring some parts of the story
And what did you expect? Being sex partners isn’t a great idea specially when you know the person has feelings for you and doesn’t want to be treated like sex toy but does it and takes everything just to be with you,but Jaeha did that and you’re justifying that. It was actually painful for Eunho. You’re saying Jaeha said that out of responsibility and Eunho shouldn’t be mad at all,but you’re JUSTIFYING Jaeha’s actions by ‘being sex partners’
And that’s unfair,because people don’t understand Eunho at all and they expect him to treat Jaeha like a princess ( plus,he just did as he pleased and they agreed to it but Jaeha can’t take it,the situation is the same when Jaeha decided to like Eunho’s dick and be sex fiends and just because Eunho agreed to that doesn’t mean he wasn’t hurt. And i’m just reminding you that )
And that has nothing to do with breaking people’s heart. The ex absolutely was a comfort/sex toy for him,while they were in a RELATIONSHIP
And if he was that nice,he wouldn’t get involved in a sex buddies relationship
And yes I know they get together and I said before I read the raws and everything,but right now I’m just answering people who are hateful towards Eunho and they ignore it completely when Jaeha was a jerk

They're both walking a fine line. It's important to remember that the depth of Eunho's feelings have blinded him in more ways than one. Jaeha recognizes that even still after their split, Eunho is deeply in love with him. That kind of unconditional love is terrifying when taking into account that Jaeha is worried Eunho would go to any length for him (including sacrificing himself in the process). After all Eunho has suffered through because of Jaeha's indecisiveness, Jaeha doesn't feel he has the right to do further harm. The underlying problem is that Jaeha doesn't trust himself not to hurt Eunho ever again. He couldn't continue their relationship because he knows himself. Jaeha knows that his first instinct will always be to run away from his problems.
Eunho recognizes Jaeha's deep-seated fear at being abandoned, however he's still missing the part where Jaeha is weary after everything. He's tired of the hurt- hurt that he believes will drag Eunho down with him eventually. It's not a matter of Jaeha or Eunho intentionally being selfish. Eunho is using the fact they still have feelings for each other to corner Jaeha because in his mind he thinks he can wear him down. Does Jaeha treating Eunho unfairly justify the reciprocation? That's debatable, but it's undeniable that they're both struggling as is.

U said it all
Instead of blaming jaeha , try to see how scared he is ,

U see
Eunho is hurt , but his hurt isn't even comparable to jaeha
Being rejected by a person ,knowing they love u back , not knowing the reason , but knowing the other one tried but scared
Is far less severe than being abandoned and left out and stigmatized and whatever happened in jaeha's past
I didn't make what eunho went through any less , but knowing the other person is scared yet doing all that is selfish too
U see in the relationship , if one has trouble being in the relationship , be it something in him , be it something in his partner , be it his fears of not committing , be it what ever , he has the right to stop it , u see , it is mutual , both for eunho and jaeha
Eunho acts like jaeha has to be with him , no other choice like it is obligatory for them both to be together just cuz they love each other , which is really childish and simple thinking , but only shows how deeply he loves jaeha that blinds him even from giving jaeha the choice he deserves ,
Yeah jaeha tried to work it out but failed leaving hints for eunho to keep chasing him , giving eunho the choice to let him go or chase after him , not wanting to take the full lead for the relationship , wearing the ring , and doing and I quote "I will only run away as far as u can catch me" , he will tell him that later , which explains all the things jaeha did was only giving eunho the choice either to let go or continue , he mad eunho the one choosing , of course eunho 's persistence saved jaeha but u see
Lately he became aggressive , u guys called it a payback , while I found it ungratefulness , it is like he took a chance of being the one who chooses , just to hurt him (he will say he only wanted to shirt while crying later ) ,
It is really childish and human and unjustified ,
My problem is that u guys justified that
I never said eunho can't make mistakes , but u guys were actually happy while he made them
Both were blinded , one by fear and one by love , but I see someone abusively took it to force his way in , (u know jaeha DOESNT HAVE TO BE WITH EUNHO , just cause eunho loves him right?, it doesn't work like that ) and one was letting go ,
U say u know why he did , which will be clarified later so I won't stress on that
I am still not seeing how jaeha hurt eunho badly to that point ,
From day 1 , jaeha was reluctant and eunho knew it , knew him , knew all this , knew he feared , knew everything except the reasons for him to be like that ,
My problem , ?
I don't see how a person who tries to deal with his inner whatever flaws in whatever method being a bad thing , like if he was a coward , what is wrong with running away ? If he is scared , what is wrong with all that , he fears that them being apart will hurt less than being together ,
He sees it that way , whatever hurt eunho throws at him will be less than what will happen when they r together , be it for himself, society or whatever , he sees it that way , which is understandable ,
U know if he didn't try to actually be with eunho , I would have been with u , but he tried and failed ,
I don't know , I just see from where jaeha is coming from and eunho scares the shit out of me although I loved him first ,

If he has the right to use ppl as sex toys and then get scared and throw them away without giving a shit about their feelings ( which is selfish,if u r too coward to have a relationship,then don’t because ppl r NOT sex toys ),then Eunho has the right to do on Jaeha whatever he wants when Jaeha tells him ‘do whatever you please’ and ppl who r on Jaeha’s side r completely ignoring the fact Jaeha asked him to do whatever he pleases
And yet,he’s sad
See,he can’t even take responsibility of what he says and does,he’s obviously too irresponsible to keep a relationship with someone because all he cares about is himself being scared,and not the fact Eunho has been by his side all his life and ignores the fact Eunho loves him and has been loving him for a long time,yet all he cares about is his own fear without considering people’s emotions
Same thing happened to his ex and ex wife,they were all play things or some sort of comfort tool for him to run away
And honestly,you don’t understand Eunho at all
This is a realistic manhwa which all the characters have their own problems and it’s not a manhwa where the seme is a perfect gentleman and sweet and has nothing to do but treat the uke like like a princess no matter what kind of irresponsible,ignorant and selfish person the uke is
And it’s way more painful to be in love with someone PASSIONATELY for YEARS and see him loving someone else and getting married and take it all without showing your sadness,and then being used as a sex toy and being thrown away by an irresponsible and selfish person you lover all your LIFE
That’s why I don’t think you understand him,but if this happens to you,I bet you’ think about it more carefully
It’s way more painful than being in a relationship with your stupid professor and being hurt in a less than 6 months relationship and being slapped by your father once because of being gay ( the funny thing is he goes around and uses people however he pleases and when he finds out he’s too irresponsible to have a serious relationship with someone,simply throws them away )
And yeah Eunho didn’t do the right thing,if I had to deal with an irresponsible jerk like Jaeha who only cares about his own feelings and doesn’t consider other people,I’d just leave him be ( though that’s hard for someone who’s been in love for his LIFE )

Plus,in a relationship both ppl should care about each other and value each other
Jaeha always wants Eunho to chase after him,but all he does is throwing him away and enjoying Eunho chasing after him
Because why not,he’s a ‘princess’ and ppl should chase after him to be able to have a normal relationship with them and act like a puppy but doesn’t see the person he ‘loves’,worthy enough to at least be honest with them and chase after them ONCE in life

Lol I’m happy to see that because Jaeha was a jerk and nothing’s better than seeing jerks being treated the way they treat people and use people as dicks,comfort tools,ect
I’m really sorry if I’m mean and I hope u don’t get offended by my language,but I can’t sympathize with people who use people as dicks and comfort tools,then throw them away without thinking a little bit about their feelings
And again,Eunho shouldn’t have chased after someone who doesn’t see him worthy enough to at least consider about his feelings
So yeah
Jerks get what they deserve

Plus,WE know why Jaeha did that ( because he needed someone to chase after him lol)
But Eunho doesn’t and honestly if I had to deal with someone who doesn’t give a single shit about me and just wants someone by his side and chase after him happily like a puppy,i’d be mad too but definitely I wouldn’t chase after him anymore
Because a relationship should be two sided and both people should try to help each other and care about each other,but in this case,Eunho was the one who cared about him and ALWAYS chased after Jaeha yet even though Jaeha knew he’s gonna hurt Eunho badly and ‘loved him’,he did all he could to make Eunho chase after him
And even if u insist Jaeha isn’t a jerk,we can’t deny he feels zero responsibility ( if he wasn’t feeling guilty for hurting Eunho,I’d say he’s a sociopath for sure.Honestly the only thing that makes him different from a sociopath is feelings guilty and just it )
And i’m not expecting u to completely understand what u haven’t experienced,but if u have a lover or a boyfriend/girlfriend u might be able to imagine how painful it would be if they treat u like a sex toy and throw u away over and over again just to enjoy seeing u trying hard to get them and chase after them and hurt u over and over again,but not for months or even years,for your LIFE
If that’s easy for u and u won’t feel a bit upset about being treated like trash,then u’re a very rare person in this world ( no offense i’m not saying it in a bad way )
So u’re saying it’s okay if Jaeha uses people as sex toys and makes them chase after him? Then what’s the problem if Eunho does what he’s asked too? U say it’s okay if Jaeha uses people as sex toys,but it’s not okay if Eunho does the same?
People who r on Jaeha’s side have no idea how painful it is,and being treated like trash isn’t something ‘normal’ and ‘okay’ in relationship
He doesn’t have to be with people,but what he does is using people and calling it ‘love’ and then throws them away when he’s scared
If it’s okay and normal,then I think what Eunho does is normal too ( after all Jaeha was the one who asked him to do that ) he was just honest,it’s Jaeha’s problem if he can’t take responsibility of his actions and words
It’s like selling a house to someone and then say ‘I sold the house to u anyway,but u don’t have the right to live in the house and u’re an asshole if u live in this house I sold )
And there’s nothing wrong with using people as dicks and comfort tools as u say,then I think u should experience it yourself to understand it
I don’t really understand people who r on Jaeha’s side
Like they justify whatever Jaeha does but when it comes to Eunho the same stuff it’s a taboo and he’s an asshole?
That’s why I think people who r calling Eunho an asshole,are just trying to justify Jaeha because when it comes to Jaeha’s mistakes u say ‘what’s the problem in hurting someone because u’re irresponsible and afraid’ but u forget that everything u say applies to Eunho too
Though what Eunho and Jaeha did were different
Eunho was actually trying
Jaeha…well he was happy he has a new sex toy

Idk how u think it’s okay to hurt someone just because u’re scared?
What makes it worse is that Jaeha knows what he’s doing,yet he doesn’t learn from experiences and repeats the mistakes
If I were u,i’d be scared of Jaeha in first place because the only thing he doesn’t have in common with a sociopath is feelings a bit guilty

U r repeating the same thoughts and u r talking about a point I explained before ,
So I never said it was OK to use ppl as sex toys but u fail to see that it was agreement on both side in each and every case , which is okay I believe , it is okay for ppl to be sex bodies if both of them agreed on it even if someone has feelings for the other , as long it is agreed upon , I think it is really an agreement nothing more
What about eunho ? OK he at first agreed on being only sex buddy , both of them were sex buddies , right ? Then both of them tried a relationship , right ? Someone didn't cope , be it whatever reason , right ? Then they r back to being sex buddies again with agreement I believe since they both know it and also since it is only physical as both agreed on and jaeha telling him "it is non of his business if he was with someone else ,
So just don't say sex toys and throwing them away , since they both agreed upon that , it is like mutual benefits and it is not a fault of jaeha that all his sex buddies wanted more than what they agreed on , really , it happens all the time , and it is his choice to choose whether to try it or not just as much as it is the other person choice , like it was mutual agreement before , so it has to be mutual to go further than that ,
It isn't throwing them away , it is only sex as agreed on , I don't know why u fail to understand EU Ho's choices and agreements of being only sex buddy with jaeha and calling jaeha a jerk for keeping his agreement , regardless of feelings at the moment ,
Yeah they tried to go further , but one of them failed due to whatever reason for whoever between them , and then they r back to only sex buddies agreement
Yeah it was hard to have feelings for the other person , but eunho isn't a child , he just chose to be with jaeha whatever the name of the connection , then got frustrated and hoped for more , both tried it but failed then back to o lay being sex buddies for revenge,
I really hope u r not repeating urself , like that point was cleared off I believe , it is not using and disposing ppl , since it was mutual agree,went and mutual use and disposing , it wouldn't be OK , if he lied about it , only to have sex then said he doesn't have feelings , it is not like that at all , I wouldnt take his side if it were the case
One point down , OK about the marriage and loving someone else and so on ,
Well that is just ridiculous , seeing someone u love loving someone else ? Is it natural , u see eunho (and u ) are blinded by eunho's love , not seeing jaeha's right to choose what he does considering his life , just cuz eunho loves him ,
I mean come on , really now?
Seeing someone u love marry someone else ? I don't see how is that jaeha's wrong , it sounds childish , since eunho then was with zero hope to have jaeha and jaeha pushed him off as a kid and there was like no potential at all (eunho was in school) , like really ? I never said it isn't hurtful for eunho but come one ,that is just not fair to jaeha at all , he has every right to do whatever he wants with his life , EU Ho's worry at that time was his concern, u r blinded by EU Ho's hurt , and failed to see it is natural and happens a lot and it is never jaeha's fault to try to continue his life u know ? It is his fucking life I believe ,
Irresponsible how ? He agreed on being sex buddy only and as far as I know it , he kept his promise , judge his choices as long as u want , but he kept his words and even withdraw when he saw he wouldn't be able to keep his words for the relationship ,
It is not using ppl or hurting ppl since it was mutual , ever heard of night stands or friends with benefits ?
Actually the relationships were mere tries for him to actually do something , but it wasn't a play , he didn't use them , he tried but failed , if he indeed used them , both wpouldnt be by his side , or helping him ,
Each person who was with him knows that too , knows that he tried but failed to defeat himself , I don't know why u don't see it since all three saw it and reacted differently
Hanjun helps him from time to time , the wife was hurt but helps him too , and eunho this is pushing him would be the help he needs (although persistence is what helped tbh he went all the way with the pushing I believe )
U fail to see that it was other's choice to agree or disagree with being sex buddies or whatever , u only held jaeha responsible although it was mutual , which is really not fair at all ,
I never saw it as seme or uke again , I don't see ur point on this , or why does it matter in the first place , I wouldn't care if jaeha was top or bottom or eunho was bottom or top and I honestly don't see ur point in here ,
Jaeha wouldn't be the first person to try multiple times , u want him to stop trying all together ? Doing multiple mistakes ? U mean failing each and every time , I don't get what u want , u want him to stop trying all together ? , I believe he did once he made a deal with only being sex buddy , due to EU Ho's persistence , so I don't see or point again ,
About the princess part and ppl should chase after him , I guess u didn't read what I wrote seriously when I said he gave eunho the choice to either let go or continue , why do u see it so shallowly , it ain't about princess or whatever u call it , if u fail to see eunho's hands in this then u don't get eunho at all ' eunho took the hints as a chance and chased after him
Just like he gave hanjun the choice , the exact same choice but hanjun didn't do anything , I don't see them now hating each other , they now friends even , just Cruz hanjun chose differently , , it is actually a good thing for eunho to be left with choices ,I don't see why u see as bad , eunho could have let go ages ago , but he chose to risk being hurt and again u fail to see Eunho's responsibility in his own choices and pain ...

Am I the only one who hates when ppl r hateful towards Eunho and try to justify Jaeha’s actions even though he was an asshole for a long time before they break up?
And no Eunho isn’t innocent and good because only an idiot can keep chasing after someone like Jaeha who throws u away because he doesn’t want to get hurt

Eunho will know his faults
No justification to becoming an ass if u CHOSE to chase someone who pushed u away ...

Yeah I know because chasing after a shitty person like Jaeha who just cares about himself and his own feelings is unjustifiable
But that doesn’t make Jaeha a better person and doesn’t change the fact he was an asshole all the time before they break up and somehow that’s justifiable even though both of them hurt each other because of past experiences but Eunho is the only one who gets blamed
Plus somehow ppl r forgetting to fact that JAEHA asked him what he can do because he wanted to be relieved of guilt

I don't call someone shitty just cause he pushed someone he loves away , that is not how shitty works , especially if he did it for the other person too (will be explained in next chapters )

Well no
He did it because he didn’t want HIMSELF getting hurt
And if Eunho is shitty and is an asshole for caring about someone so much and being mad at the person for breaking up with no reason at all ( Try to see Eunho’s POV. He doesn’t know Jaeha did it for himself...plus I don’t think Jaeha did that because of Eunho)
Then Jaeha is shitty as well
None of them r better

I personally dislike him ( I’m not a fan of Eunho either I know characters r realistic and not perfect but I don’t like them in reality either )
But I hate it when ppl r trying to justify Jaeha and they ignore his mistakes and r mad at Eunho
Even if Jaeha did that for Eunho ( which I doubt) that doesn’t mean Eunho can figure it out by magic or something

Plus ppl who keep calling Eunho an asshole or rude,we can’t deny Jaeha was using Eunho as a sex toy before and that was the time Eunho didn’t say anything and hid his feelings when he told him they’re just sex friends or thousands of times he broke Eunho’s heart and Eunho had to deal with that but ppl r ignoring it saying he’s a monster and Jaeha is better
Nope. If they hate Eunho for this they should hate Jaeha too because didn’t he do all these things?

And then he remembered his past experiences and was scared to talk or being hurt again so he just left Eunho without even telling him
Yeah nobody’s perfect and everyone makes mistakes but i’m just reminding Jaeha’s mistakes because all ppl can see is Eunho the one being the main jerk and the worst person on the planet lol

Eunho got results when he acted like a jerk while when he was a sweetheart he got his heart broken brutally. The people who hate him can dislike it all they want in the end Eunho gets results when he is cruel. Just something to chew on for a bit.

Omg , I agree with everything ya say ! Both have faults , to justify one for whatever reason and bash on the other just seems so hypocritical . It's called revenge/retaliation , idk if people know 'bout it ...
I also like how you don't try to justify Eunho's behavior and also criticize Jaeha as well .

It’s kinda funny how ppl try to criticize Eunho even though while Jaeha was acting like a jerk he didn’t do anything and hid his true feelings and everyone thinks it’s ‘sweet’
It’s hilarious
They’re doing the same thing so if there’s anyone to hate,Jaeha comes first
Idk what’s with ppl who think semes should chase after the uke and act like a puppy even if they hurt them badly
And honestly that’s what that annoys me in some yaoi mangas

I think I read a comment by a man who said the relationships in yaoi are often portrayed with the dynamics of a straight relationship - the man who treats the woman well no matter what . As a bi who is also into yuri (and girls) , I can see what they mean . Often times , one character (the seme or dominant one in yaoi and yuri) is supposed to be strong and take the "manly" role in the relationship while the other one (the uke or the weaker/submissive one) creates distance / trouble , and the stronger one is often chasing after and loving the weaker one unconditionally . I also can see the appeal since most of yaoi/yuri manga is geared towards straight people (often women) . The roles seem to have seeped into this manga (most yaoi -- upto an extent) and the fans also use that as a standard .
^^ that was just my theory tho , no hate on anybody . I do know that these dynamics exist because of the target audience .
No matter what Jaeha does , people would find that cute/not as disturbing ; but god forbid that Eunho is as much of a jerk . No matter what , Eunho being put on this higher standard as compared to Jaeha is ridiculous , and irritates the fuck outta me .
Not saying that Eunho is any better , he is persistent and can't seem to take "no" for an answer (which could be very dangerous in many situations). He has also become way more manipulative now . I overall think that he should've just left when Jaeha rejected him the first time , and lead a much better life with a person brave enough to love him back . But then we wouldn't be here discussing this rn , would we ?
But I can guarantee that if Jaeha did the same , the fangirls would rush to defend their "bby" , giving tons of excuses ranging from "He's mentally ill/has gone through a lot" to
"He's doing it for Eunho's benefit , how selfless!" .
Yeah , no shit sherlock , he is mentally ill . You think Eunho is any more sane ? I haven't seen any sane person persistently run after one person constantly breaking promises and lying (Jaeha). My opinion ? Both of them need help .
"He broke up for Eunho's sake!" No , he was scared of being responsible (and didn't have the courage to face society and Eunho's family) . If he were worried about Eunho , he'd discuss shit with him before coming to a reasonable decision (and not freak tf out the moment he saw the ring) . Even if he's ill , unfortunately , people are held responsible for their own actions (Personal Rsponsibility!) <- Trust , I know . I have gone through it .
Lol , sorry for ranting and making you read a whole paragraph . I kinda felt irritated after reading the other comments and needed to rant a bit ...
Btw , thank for reading .

Omg u exactly said what I was trying to say
And Eunho is doing the EXACT same thing but ppl r way more hateful towards him
I have bad experiences,but killing someone because of my bad experiences is unjustifiable
And no i’m not trying to say they have to be perfect but it was a mistake and both of them did the same thing
And that’s one thing I HATE soooooo much when it comes to any mangas/manhwas in genres including romantic relationships
Everyone has the same rights
People are trying so hard to justify Jaeha and blame Eunho even though JAEHA was the jerk before and all they think about is that ‘aw the uke is so cute and sweet’

Ikr ?
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
Jaeha fangirls also very conveniently tend to forget that Jaeha broke 2 promises ( he promised to paint Eunho's portrait and **Also Marry Eunho If He Fell In Love With Him** . I'll try to find the chapters as proof where he said this shit , if ya want .) . He's constantly lying , breaking promises and then has the nerve to go throw a drunken hissy fit in front of Eunho (after he discovered about the photograph / wife interaction) . He also blamed Eunho for going away after He Literally Broke Eunho's Heart during his drunken hissy fit ("moment of truth") . He also broke up with Eunho without telling him a proper reason and consulting him . I'm sorry but lying and then blaming others , throwing drunken hissy fits in front of the peerson whose heart you broke and breaking promises is called being a fucking jerk .
And as to that , "He broke up for Eunho's sake" is absolute fucking bs , and I want none of it . Till now , with the info given , to me it seems like he chickened out to his fear of "things being ruined because of him" . If you're (<< Jaeha , not you lol ) a mature adult in a relationship who can't communicate basic stuff with their partners , DON'T BE IN A FUCKING RELATIONSHIP SINCE YOU'RE CLEARLY NOT READY AND ARE JUST GOING TO END UP HURTING THE OTHER PERSON . Like jfc , he needs to stop playing the damsel in distress game and just get some help (therapy) if he needs it.
And after all this , Eunho is the person who needs to be considerate ?
Ahh , I ranted a lot lol
Am I the only one who thinks the uke is annoying