I mean it’s not like either side are looking for love and feelings in an ARRANGED marriage. Ofc she’s gonna ask about his business. He has a hot face and is rich. That’s all she knows about him. Why would she care about a personality she doesn’t even know?
Also people are so quick to say she’s cunning and manipulative and that they don’t like her because they feel like she’s manipulative while defending the MC who literally is proven to be cunning and manipulative. Sounds like sexism to me

I love the series and whole concept and everything and I understand how it’s making a comment on patriarchy and men not controlling, rather not wanting to control themselves and objectify women and all that. I get it, love the concept but the chapter Boy ruins everything for me, it ruins the whole concept and idea and makes me wonder. If Junji Ito wanted to make a comment on objectification of women, I don’t see how Boy was necessary? To me it seemed like it was purely for shock value and it was the only chapter that truly disturbed me. The little boy did not deserve this, he had absolutely no say and choice in this and he was innocent, he didn’t objectify or sexualize tomie, why does he get the same treatment other men do? It’s unfair and unnecessary to the plot and purpose of the story. If I’m missing something let me know because I can’t see how this chapter would be in the story