Hoping it wouldn’t go the “guy finds out he’s a man but pretends he doesn’t know” direction like these stories usually do, but it did and things did considerably get boring after that. Kind of prefer it when they’re completely deceived until the person crossdressing reveals it themselves. Also didn’t care about the bestfriend and the glasses guy’s drama at all, they were unneeded and kind of annoying. so overall, a good start and funny for a while but fell off halfway through
please don’t ruin the story with rape, please don’t ruin the story with rape, please don’t ruin the story with rape, please don’t ruin the story with rape, please don’t-
let’s all pray in a little chanting circle by candle light
LEGIT ME RN the next chapter will be consensual, the next chapter will be consensual, the next chapter will be consensual, the next chapter will be...