Anyone wanna greet this teenage 30 y/o lady?
Also, the author now acknowledge this big top 3 sites! Get ready...
Thank you for that one girl who read it in subway, aND YOU WHO RECORD HER.
Now the auth0r want it to be rem0ved from here asap. Tf
Anyway, GREAT!!
It got noticed by the au thor!!
("Please rep ort my work from manga go" *inserts the ss from this sit e*)
Keep uploading the new chapters, and the whole old chapters are about to be taken dow n entirely. aLONG WITH THE SIT E!
Happy now? >:c
You do know it's licensed right? :')
I hope some kind soul who buy it willingly to share and upload it here.
( T﹏T )
It's licensed in renta!
These are some asks in scanlator's tumblr about the series https://yaoi-sekai*tumblr*com/post/183995869537/hello-first-of-all-thank-you-so-much-for-all-the?is_related_post=1
Please change the * to dot (.)
it's already licensed in eng years ago yet no one uploaded it here?
kinda rare...