I adore this manga and as a piercing enthusiast with a total of 22 piercings, I love the amount of detail harada put in this! (ex. the way she drew internally threated jewelry bc they're safer than externally threaded ones) and how she explained the steps. I always go back to this manga whenever I have the urge to get another piercing, and it was because of this manga that I started getting them (▰˘◡˘▰)

Similar experience here. I first found this just after I got my lip and septum done, and then the person that I was seeing at the time took me to get my nipples done. I'm not with him, but my current girlfriend is taking me to get my tongue and belly button pierced this week, and honestly I just get so emotional reading this.

before reading this manga, i didn't think much of piercing (only had two lobes done) but it really transformed my view on them. piercings can create an emotional connection because of trust and i feel like each one of my piercings has a little story behind it. and i wish you the best of luck with your new piercings! i really wanna get my tongue done next
i was 13 when i first started reading this. i am now a uni graduate, engaged, moved out, and yet i feel like i'm 13 all over again.
At this point we're takano