I wish there was a novel, this story is really good. And my boy, have more faith in yourself~ As you reasoned (thought long and hard on), Shane wouldn't abandon you!
No because it’s not translated but https://www.novelupdatesforum.com/threads/choose-your-heroes-carefully-%EC%98%81%EC%9B%85-%EB%BD%91%EA%B8%B0%EB%8A%94-%EC%8B%A0%EC%A4%91%ED%95%98%EA%B2%8C.168484/ this is novelupdates link….
Korean link - https://ridibooks.com/books/809026425
a true villain has monologue, but I can't help but think that it's similar to the speech given in mega mind
The villain becometh the hero. He just needs a nice ass cape now.
megamind is my favorite movie