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Hahaha the last panel. Boss Groo

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So uptight but his hair is shaggy? Shouldn't he look more polished if he cares so much for elegance?

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Same face syndrome af. Just diff hairstyles and colors...

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How simple does he think she is?? Didn't he meet her is HS? He's way too confident his games'll work

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Ok... Ew
Is there a ML? Could this end up Enemies to Lovers?

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Ofc, leave it to the obsessive sociopath to recognize her anywhere...

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She really did do a damn good job with completing her goal!

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His face is so pretty that it always shocks me when he does stuff like this. I forgot he was intense

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Oh god, ACTUAL "kiss swollen lips"

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Sadist meets masochist

His piercings~

With kinda name is that??? The game is called Mangem?

Is PrincessDoesn'tCry supposed to be a play on "Queen never cry" meme? LOL

Ohh, I do like purple eyes

There's a evil looking eye behind him and it's pretty badass

Her name is Earl Grey Milk Tea, and all of her guild had food names like honeybutterpotato or bread

Unicorn? Tell me why my first thought was Narwhal...