thats too many secrets if you ask me
i stopped reading whn it first came out like 1 chapter coz i was worried if the uke was wrong but i came back and the uke was right and i got 30 extra chapter waiting for me uwwu
byeeeeeeee :)
i should be grateful that this story is still updating even though it takes eternity to do so :')
If you want you can read the novel. It's waaaaaay farther along and has really good descriptions. I laughed a lot when I read it.
i love to but im worried for my small brain because even the dialouges are so long hahaha, regardless thanks for the suggestion
Yeah. Sometimes long novels can lose people, especially if they're a little too descriptive.
mmm llok at their elongated bodies ahahah nais
the only person i despise is that scientist nomu. bruh. if he was dead, none this would'a happen
im glad everyone is teaming up on hating this son of an asshole lava~ let's all hope he gets what he deserve~
i'll keep my thoughts to myself, ya'll so feisty
thats too many secrets if you ask me