sorry but i dont believe that the fl is at fault here (for the whole misunderstanding). the ml has never shown affection towards anyone, he was brainwashing people and he never explained himself even after she was asking him about what was their relationship. she was always the one who was following and trying to befriend him. in her place i would also think that i was a part of a plan or something... just because we know thats not what actually happened (frustration kicks) there is no way to believe that a person who has never shown any particular interest and who is usually using people is in love with you ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ i dont blame the ml since he has some mental issues and he did all of this to protect the fl but still i cant congratulate him either cause he used a wrong approach.
im sorry but i believe that jewoo is a better choice.. dont get me wrong, seowoo is cute and all but how could he ask his brother to flirt with his crush pretending to be him? thats way 2 fked up in my opinion. jewoo may be tricking the mc but he did not like him at first and he was just getting along with his brother's plan (still not right but anyways). on the other hand, seowoo who supposedly likes the mc decides to deceive him? what would he do if he hated him? does he have zero empathy or something?
and alsooo, i know that the mc had some past trauma but being rude to every man around is like meh for me. okay dont go around men if u feel uncomfortable but it wont kill u to have some manners..
at least one of the brothers wasn't making judgments about reons character, jaewoo kept going on about how reon was shallow and distrustworthy
and he's still deceiving reon whether it was his idea or not, so I'm still blaming both the brother for this scheme
well i would also make judgements if the other person didnt communicate his feelings and instead acted like he was pissed with every man around... and judgements are not a bad thing, is just ur impression of the other person; everyone has them (saying it or not). the problem starts when a person starts to "judge" the other person and make things up like the "friends" of jaewoo did.. if u see, jaewoo doesnt say anything bad about reon to others..its just his personal opinion in his mind.
to this i agree.
true, I'll argue this from a different angle then, at least one them is being sincere in their interest (even if indirectly) and opened up about someone personal he didn't even want his crush knowing. jaewoo has yet to be honest about himself in anyway with reon to that level.
**something personal
I wish they would just add an edit function on this site to replies. its annoying as hell.
i do agree that seowoo is more sincere about his feelings than jaewoo but he is asking for his brother to go out with his crush? and then what? is he gonna appear one day and pretend to be the seowoo that the jaewoo is pretending to be? or will he let his crush fall in love with his brother and watch from afar? if that's not mental what is? imagine learning that a guy likes u and instead of attempting to know u he sends another person pretending to be him..like how does that even work? common sense dropped the chat>.<
its like he is not considering the other's feelings like AT ALL.
well i guess we have different perspectives:')
its true. they didn't really work out the legalistics or complications that could happen from them not being consistent enough and even after the plan ends, seowoo would have to act, not like himself, but rather jaewoo's version of "seowoo" to make it look natural (whats the point of a fake relationship like that?) its not very practical or effective long term. eventually they are bound to get caught out or have to tell the truth, and its kind of insulting how confident they are reon wont catch on to anything, so I get what your saying..
but well.. it didn't look like either of the was ready to step out of their comfort zones or from behind their personal walls, so I understand a middle man was necessary to smooth out the edges of their interactions or provide an excuse for them to talk to each other (there were easier ways to do that) and they no longer really need a "middle man" anymore, as its already evident reon and seowoo get on quite well.
I really think this should stop before it gets anymore serious, but now jaewoo is being strangely enthusiastic about his role in wooing reon where as before.. his brother had to beg or push him just to go.. for example, in this recent chapter he personally "dismissed" saewoo at the showers which is something that stuck out to me, I dont think it was needed, it would have been best to just let them continue on by themselves from there on since the general vibe was nice. ugh this is a mess. sorry for the lengthy reply.
people are stupid when it comes to love lol. lets just go with that ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭