Merlot August 12, 2023 9:25 am

but I'm already tired of how slow on the uptake the MC is. Blondie is clearly the psycho, like how dumb are you. In fact, the moment you were assigned on that mission in chapter 1, you sould have started suspecting that smth is wrong. HOW is a halfway competent spy just so trusting, wtf.

Also like someone else said: where did his pretty boy face go? *sob*

    Atlas's Psychedelia August 13, 2023 12:48 am

    I think you're the slow one if you haven't realized mc is suspicious of ml but doesn't have a choice but to work with him

    Merlot August 13, 2023 1:06 am
    I think you're the slow one if you haven't realized mc is suspicious of ml but doesn't have a choice but to work with him Atlas's Psychedelia

    you need to relax if someone's opinion about a character exposes your asshole hahaha take it easy!

    Atlas's Psychedelia August 13, 2023 2:14 am
    you need to relax if someone's opinion about a character exposes your asshole hahaha take it easy! Merlot

    Okay but you're like objectively wrong

    Merlot August 13, 2023 7:46 am
    Okay but you're like objectively wrong Atlas's Psychedelia

    you might wanna google what "objectively" means

    Atlas's Psychedelia August 13, 2023 2:53 pm
    you might wanna google what "objectively" means Merlot

    I know what it means. He is not trusting of ml and he does suspect him of something. You are objectively wrong about that. He isnt slow he just doesn't have anything he can do about it.

    Merlot August 13, 2023 4:47 pm
    I know what it means. He is not trusting of ml and he does suspect him of something. You are objectively wrong about that. He isnt slow he just doesn't have anything he can do about it. Atlas's Psychedelia

    lol listen, you clearly have very strong feelings abt this, and tbh I'm just not with you there. Def don’t care about this enough for me to start getting angry and insulting actual people. So I'll just let you do your thing (which seems to be being very passionate in the comment section) and I hope that someday down the line you start letting people have their own opinions without attacking them. Cheers!

    Atlas's Psychedelia August 13, 2023 10:49 pm
    lol listen, you clearly have very strong feelings abt this, and tbh I'm just not with you there. Def don’t care about this enough for me to start getting angry and insulting actual people. So I'll just let yo... Merlot

    No you just struggle with reading compression. I'm not even mad you're just blatantly wrong lmao

    AWinterWonderLand August 17, 2023 3:46 pm

    He's not slow.....he was....set up ... And since he's been attacked and kidnapped from the get go and then had his stuff blown up he doesn't have a choice but to "trust" his partner. He has no ID, no money, no phone, no contacts, no weapons, no armory, and since it's a black ops/covert ops no one can know about it so he couldn't reach out to anyone.

    It's not like he went there w a point of contact, and he doesn't have any actual ties to the place/have support from his agency or anyone and he's working in a foreign land.....w/ very little information. Even if he's fluent in the language he doesn't have ties to get him out of the difficulties and doesn't have as much knowledge as someone working in that area/land. He's also working alone....

Merlot August 10, 2023 7:08 pm

istg every manhwa/manga where the maids are terrible to the MC turns me into an elitist wondering how they don't know their place.

Merlot August 10, 2023 11:27 am

I really hope that this celebrity dude isn't the usual scorned ex who decides to act hostile towards the MC.

Merlot August 9, 2023 7:23 pm

my (potentially) terrible taste in men strikes again because I'm reading chapter 25 REALLY want that black haired guy to be the ML *sob* he's instantly more interesting than blondie. I'd even prefer the secretary over blondie. It's not that I don't like Linus, I just don't see much of a personality in him yet.

    RabidMonkey August 18, 2023 11:02 am

    Yeah me too, the black guy is soooo gorgeous!! He's mysterious, dangerous, wealthy, strong and obsessed with the mc. What more could you want

    Agathe August 28, 2023 1:06 pm
    Yeah me too, the black guy is soooo gorgeous!! He's mysterious, dangerous, wealthy, strong and obsessed with the mc. What more could you want RabidMonkey

    Sanity ? Warm heart ? Kindness ?

    Merlot August 28, 2023 3:03 pm
    Sanity ? Warm heart ? Kindness ? Agathe

    In this economy?

Merlot August 8, 2023 11:08 pm

even though they look like siblings, inseo's parents are the best! <3

    cackans August 9, 2023 12:23 am


Merlot August 7, 2023 1:49 pm

VERTA, verta, girl, you better fucking say yes omg

    shoushou August 7, 2023 2:42 pm

    tbh i dont think she should say yes, bcs he doesn't know her "true" self. and i think its her revenge not his, but then i guess that since he turned back time they going to end up together in this lifetime ┑( ̄Д  ̄")┍

    Merlot August 7, 2023 2:48 pm
    tbh i dont think she should say yes, bcs he doesn't know her "true" self. and i think its her revenge not his, but then i guess that since he turned back time they going to end up together in this lifetime �... shoushou

    tbh I'm not thinking of it that deeply (I lost interest in the plot a while ago). I liked him from the start and am indulging in him having the spotlight.

    Cthulhu August 7, 2023 5:20 pm
    tbh I'm not thinking of it that deeply (I lost interest in the plot a while ago). I liked him from the start and am indulging in him having the spotlight. Merlot

    i get that you dont care about the plot anymore but, the whole "strong female lead" aspect is ruined if someone fulfills her one main objective in the story, for her. Plus Blaine is WAY better for her anyway.

    Merlot August 7, 2023 5:55 pm
    i get that you dont care about the plot anymore but, the whole "strong female lead" aspect is ruined if someone fulfills her one main objective in the story, for her. Plus Blaine is WAY better for her anyway. Cthulhu

    ok? I'm sorry but I'm not going to argue on behalf of any perspective here, and I'm not going to disagree with anyone else's interests either. We can all enjoy different things in a story, so idk what is the intended goal of your input.

    Anyway, Blaine was canon so that's good? The version with Van is an alternative ending for ppl like me who just liked him more. We can all be satisfied.

    Cthulhu August 7, 2023 10:59 pm
    ok? I'm sorry but I'm not going to argue on behalf of any perspective here, and I'm not going to disagree with anyone else's interests either. We can all enjoy different things in a story, so idk what is the in... Merlot

    But thats the thing, it doesn't feel satisfying. It feels like a cheap way for the author to "make everyone happy" by not actually making a real, final ending. Honestly it feels like everything that happened up until now is deemed meaningless for the sake of "making everyone happy".

    Merlot August 7, 2023 11:06 pm
    But thats the thing, it doesn't feel satisfying. It feels like a cheap way for the author to "make everyone happy" by not actually making a real, final ending. Honestly it feels like everything that happened up... Cthulhu

    I understand, and I'm sorry that the enjoyment is lessened in this way. I wish I could recommend you an isekai manhwa that has a satisfying revenge ending, but from my experience most of them are either incoplete or the revenge isn't fulfilling.

Merlot August 7, 2023 12:29 am

new guy sus

Merlot August 6, 2023 2:27 pm

THIS IS SO CUTE AND SWEET ASDFGFD WHOLESOME CONTENT, FAMILY GOODNESS. Need healing after reading smth fucked up? Come here and read this. Ahhhh love it <3

Merlot August 6, 2023 1:37 am

i'm at chapter 6 and I just love how no bullshit she is. Even when (who I assume is) the main lead offers her a place to stay, her response is "no i'm obv staying in an inn you absolutel weirdo"

Merlot August 5, 2023 12:40 pm

...I ended up reading the novel, and now I'm reading DoD fanfics on AO3. Lmao i need to STOP

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