CKB January 15, 2021 12:01 pm
This chapter me with a few questions Sakazaki goes for Asami first and not Sudo. When he sees Asami has been taken then he goes after Sudo. The guy with him sees Takaba and asks who he is. Sakazaki decides to take him too. Sakazaki works for profit who sent him in for Asami. or was he a cover for Maxim,or did the father pay him.
Lucullus January 15, 2021 1:14 pm
From all said there he works for Maxim and got Asami on his order
Considering that Sakazaki also once helped Akihito with the warning at the temple I suspect that Sakazaki may be trying to cover his own ass for when things start to come out about who he has done work for.
btw I know you prefer not having accounts but consider this Finder discord. I joined and it's a nice non-toxic place to discuss Finder. It has the option to delete the account if you wish. It's well and actively moderated. Much easier to have ongoing discussions there.
So glad the site is back up. Don't do that to us again. It's too traumatic!