It’s so sickening you love it. (What I meant by that is that the writing is so good and the story behind everyone is so thought out, it’s like all these things happened and they’re just telling a story to you about what happened to these people and themselves. It’s so real to the bone and doesn’t filter any of it, it disgusts you but it keeps going, you keep going, it’s just like life. You get your ups and downs and despair and dreading and happiness and a whole bunch of things and life keeps moving forward despite these things happening around the world and you.) makes me curious on how the writer came up with this idea and how they thought about all this

You can tell these “fetishs” are in a way illnesses as well, for some of these people here in this story “fetishs” is not something you’ll call that, it’s more like comfort to help cope what they’re dealing with, or what they’re familiar with. These people in this story need some Serious Help. And if you feel like your getting to a point where your starting to feel like some of them, Get. Help. Cause not everyone has something in their brain that makes them like k ! lling people, it could be something else that’s causing you to feel a certain way and there may be a way to help stop with whatever your doing and maybe find out if there’s something going on that you can’t explain, either or you should still go to a professional, and sure, not many professional are good but they/some can help you find a way to cope or not Like k ! lling people. If you don’t want to then Try helping yourself like Real. Hard. Go online to find answers to your problems. But whatever you do. DONT. TAKE. ACTION. To those bad thoughts. If you truly want to change. There are wrong actions to do in life and there are right actions to do as well. If you know what you are doing is bad, there’s no glorifying it to make yourself look good/like a victim. Or “not fitting in”. There is no fitting in if you like doing horrible things. There’s no this “fetishs” thing either. no you are. A person. That mistakenly puts whatever you were feeling into a so called “fetish” now if it’s sexual fetishs then that’s different but that’s only if you get off by it. It’s just how it is, YOU are a HORRIBLE HUMAN BEING. This is the real world. You have to pay for what you did, and if you haven’t done that bad thing then Repent. Accept it. Live on with it. Carry it with you, that Guilt. And do things that are the opposite of what your thinking or just do good things in general to make up for what you thought and try to not think those thoughts again. YOU NEED TO FACE IT. Face those feelings (and it could be said to the people who have already done those bad things) come to face with it and work hard on it. And just help people. Basically also just find ways to think better. That’s it, this is just for the people that need this
This shit is so.. ass…