Tatino February 25, 2025 8:29 pm

The art of this Manhwa is beautiful and I have checked the same artist's work to determine the fact (that for me personally) they make beautiful characters, great line work, though myself being not very well-versed with art, drawings like these is quite in par with my personal taste.
But reading works like these is when I realize not everyone who are able to draw are good writers. I believe, they rack their brains to come up with a theme/idea for a story and they cook up story boards and I am sure it takes up a lot of time and energy but end up writing a story that doesn't make such sense with characters of minimal depth.
Being tagged with yaoi/shounen-ai we come expecting two men falling in love with the added benefits of drama which either binds them forever or detaches them in the end (whatever may be the sub-genre, horror, psychological, slice of life etc).
So the least we can expect is to sense chemistry between the love interests and sorry to say this, this story lacked it to an embarrassing degree.
I have nothing against morally-grey characters but writing characters takes a lot of time and actual interest to read up on and study human psychology; this is where a lot of artists fail.
The characters were half-baked, the romance was bland and the plot (even though a well-thought out theme) badly executed.

Tatino February 25, 2025 5:33 pm

I love the story between the main couple aka the gay couple. Very wholesome, very sweet, green flag all along. Nothing about the two make me feel like anything was lacking. Okay, maybe I thought there could have been more elaboration on how they came to terms with their respective feelings and how it blossomed yada yada but whatever that isn't my complaint.
What I don't understand is WHY write panels about a heterosexual love story, when I was promised in the tag that it is shounen ai/yaoi? For a second there, I actually believed the woman paired with the pink haired guy (i don't remember his name sorry) was trans and I was excited with the possibility.
I know I don't have to bitch about it and many people will be irritated by this opinion of mine but I HAD to rant because I am not here to read hetero love stories because I don't care even a least bit for them. Idk if this was the decision of the artist/writer's editor's who was too responsible for making them delete the 'steamy' scenes which according to them was too 'sexual' hence had to make it safer to consume.
It's weird for me and I am not saying straight characters need not be written in queer stories but if I clicked on a tag which brings me to a story which contains a queer story idk why someone thinks it's okay to forcefully shove a straight love story down my throat. You can mention it, this man is dating this woman, blah blah, congratulations, who cares? But to actually show them meeting each other, falling for each other, like naw.
I know this is a feel good story and all that, and contains experiences of people who venture their college lives and jobs but I still can't accept actually having to sit down and read a man and a woman falling in love (unless ofc they are trans and then I don't mind).

Tatino January 17, 2025 2:04 pm

This might sound redundant or may just be an unpopular opinion and I am just at chapter 36 but Yohan had no right getting between the other two men.
Yeah he is gay himself. Congratulations. And yes, he is protective of Eunho because he is naive and is easily taken advantage of, so him being wary of Eunho being taken advantage due to his subservient nature is kind of justified. We all want to take care of friends, especially other queer friends who don't quite know their worth and stick themselves in muddy situations.
But let's not forget that Jaewon too is queer, he did claim to being bisexual (not out to the other members, but that gives no one the right to judge him or assume his sexuality. queer people should only come out when they deem necessary. that's their right.) and being one he too is allowed to take his time coming to terms with the sudden fact that Eunho likes him. Just because another man likes him doesn't mean he HAS to like him back. And he was very, very honest with Eunho and it was Eunho himself inspite of it all wanted to continue that relationship on vague terms.
They are testing the waters and queer people are allowed to take a test run before parking the car in the garage just like everyone.
What Yohan is essentially doing is infantalizing Eunho, who seemed and did confess to being totally able to take care of himself and he does know when he is being taken advantage of or when he is disliked or in situations he is unwanted.
Being gay yourself, doesn't give you the right to insert yourself, your ideologies or project your own thought processes or experiences into other queer relationships.
I just wanted to rant. I don't really know what happens after but of course, I am going to keep reading forward. Just wanted to get this off my chest.

    Potato January 19, 2025 3:01 pm

    No, I totally agree. I just binged the whole thing and found myself getting annoyed at Yohan. Like bro Eunho is a full fledged adult just because he is baby doesn’t mean you need to treat him like one. This is the guy he’s liked for six years let him navigate his own relationship. It reminds me of the way people act when their favorite child actors transition to more adult roles.

    Tatino January 20, 2025 4:29 pm
    No, I totally agree. I just binged the whole thing and found myself getting annoyed at Yohan. Like bro Eunho is a full fledged adult just because he is baby doesn’t mean you need to treat him like one. This i... Potato


Tatino November 18, 2024 7:47 am

The story is cute and all but I am so tired of mangakas not doing their research on sexualities. I know, not everything has to be uber-realistic and this is just fiction and we don’t necessarily have to take everything seriously yada yada but please for goodness’s sake I am exhausted with mangakas not using the word ‘bisexual’. Sexuality doesn't only limit to gay and straight. There are in-fact many in between, like, pansexuals and bisexuals exist and outside like, aromantic and asexuals.
I know times have changed and many mangakas do have started using the word bisexual but oof.
Someone might say, well, you are reading mangas in an illegal site so who are you to complain?
I am just venting and trying to find like-minded individuals. This doesn’t have to be that serious.

    ѕυιяєη★♪ December 29, 2024 8:11 am


    Tatino January 5, 2025 1:07 pm

    Nice to see like-minded people. May you have a wonderful life.

    nex January 20, 2025 9:49 pm

    ure so right ily viktor pfp person

SaeNayn September 23, 2020 9:42 pm

I finished it because I was curious about the end but the whole story was so bland. Also, I don't like the second couple at all. I wish the story involved more about witches and magic. That could have been interesting. Idk i don't want to tell how to write to story. Do you and all...

    donaa October 7, 2020 1:33 am

    Agreed. The concept of witches was really interesting and it had potential at the beginning, but idk seems the author couldn’t be bothered with it. The smut got old real fast.

SaeNayn July 30, 2020 8:27 am

The mother lol (≧∀≦)

SaeNayn July 9, 2020 8:29 am

I usually refrain from commenting but the ending is so disappointing. LIke, Karam and Jaewon don't have any chemistry at all. It was Junseo and Jaewon who I was rooting for all along, because it all made sense. There was not even mention of Karam's past or how he thinks and Junseo was a pretty deep character. I can't imagine why the author would do something like this. It doesn't make sense. Those two ending up together doesn't make sense.

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