about a guy who have been dating this cheater for years and has a an illness that can kill him his lover has no idea about it and being an asshole to him all this time cause he didnt know about it, the main guy ofc goes to the doctor cause his been hurting all this time and most likely become close with the doctor and more.
i forgot the other details but yeah im trying to find it.
So I forgot the title of this webtoon so please send me a link or name of the webtoon if you know. So the main character has a little brother who went away from home and was eager to find a cure for his mother but his group of course back stabbed him and put like a message from the pocket watch that the main character gave to him on his birthday I think then fast forward to 5 years the main character found the pocket watch and knew all what have happened to his poor little brother and tried to fulfill I think his brothers wishes? Or wanted to achieve
Anyways I loved that and cant believe I just read it like 3 years late, its one of the best ones so far for me hehe