ive decided to reread this because i kept coming across people on twitter defending him and even praising him. but all the reread is making me do is dislike him even more.. like how could he see the conditions dan lives in, how hard he works, and how much gratitude hes shown him yet he still decides to treat dan like shit? even in the most recent chapter hes still making the whole situation about himself and not recognising how much hes hurt dan in so many ways. also the people who don't like dan because hes a "sensitive crybaby" are also ridiculous to me. in his situation, he has every right to be extremely emotional and i noticed that a LOT of people forget how dans first sexual interaction was SA from that old man and then from Jaekyung. so basically dan has never even been shown an ounce of love during sex. poor baby is traumatised and its extremely depressing to see anyone disregard his feelings in any way.

its been over a decade since i started this and i read everything within 2 days. i cant believe how slow this manga has progressed in all that time. honestly i wouldnt even mind the slow progression if souichi would at least tell morinaga that he loves him… it just feels like we’re going in circles every chapter
like seriously... this could all start moving forward with basic reassurance telling dan that hes worth more than just his body but noooo, he HAS to give in and be horny ALL THE TIME.... i hate this man so much bro
like fr and we’re at ch 67 already…