I will never understand people who are like “ugh I hate this. Why are you romanticizing this relationship it’s obviously toxic.” Or “this is so dark. I can’t read this anymore. It’s too toxic and unhealthy” LMAO like what did you expect??? The story was never bright to begin with and yknow what? ITS FICTION. Get a grip. Seriously. If you don’t like that stuff, maybe don’t start reading shit with an obviously dark description. .-.
ahh my friend, this has been a lifelong debate, some people are simply not emotionally mature to handle stories like these and blame its inevitable existence. There are so many toxic stories out there, even back in wattpad yet they don’t learn their lesson. Somehow, it still comes a shock to others that real life is messed up, what more in fictional stories where its all made up by different people. Sometimes I’m wondering if they even understand what being a responsible reader is when they read tags like “18+” “adult” “mature” or the intro itself because its actually written assuming the reader is a mature adult who can discern fiction from reality and their morals should not be changed nor accept the happenings in it. I mean if you see others romanticise it, then thats their fault for reading something they aren’t ready to take. Kinda like p*rn, you’ve gotta be kidding me if you think the actors or the video creators can control who sees their videos, don’t be dumb its a REALITY. Same with these stories here, sure you can express your opinion of disagreeing or educate them of your morals but atleast don’t come for ALL the people reading it assuming we all glorify the happenings or romanticise it smh read with discretion
“I don’t like how toxic it is. Stop romanticizing rape… blah blah blah” GUYS ITS BEEN LIKE THIS FROM THE BEGINNING! IF YOU DONT LIKE IT DONT READ IT! It’s so simple. Use your brain.
Ikrrr also I could understand the sentiment if the bot is constantly disliking the act but bro you can't deny Leewon is also freaky like they match each others freak who am I to butt in their relationship.
I will never understand people who are like “ugh I hate this. Why are you romanticizing this relationship it’s obviously toxic.” Or “this is so dark. I can’t read this anymore. It’s too toxic and unhealthy” LMAO like what did you expect??? The story was never bright to begin with and yknow what? ITS FICTION. Get a grip. Seriously. If you don’t like that stuff, maybe don’t start reading shit with an obviously dark description. .-.
ahh my friend, this has been a lifelong debate, some people are simply not emotionally mature to handle stories like these and blame its inevitable existence. There are so many toxic stories out there, even back in wattpad yet they don’t learn their lesson. Somehow, it still comes a shock to others that real life is messed up, what more in fictional stories where its all made up by different people. Sometimes I’m wondering if they even understand what being a responsible reader is when they read tags like “18+” “adult” “mature” or the intro itself because its actually written assuming the reader is a mature adult who can discern fiction from reality and their morals should not be changed nor accept the happenings in it. I mean if you see others romanticise it, then thats their fault for reading something they aren’t ready to take. Kinda like p*rn, you’ve gotta be kidding me if you think the actors or the video creators can control who sees their videos, don’t be dumb its a REALITY. Same with these stories here, sure you can express your opinion of disagreeing or educate them of your morals but atleast don’t come for ALL the people reading it assuming we all glorify the happenings or romanticise it smh read with discretion