the amount of ppl victim blaming dan is just insane do you guys rly think it would be better for him if he involved himself w those shady guys? like yeah i hope jk chokes on his own piss too and its also sad to see how dan still protects that piece of shit but i truly TRULY doubt going this route would go well for dan ...but again, nothing ever goes well for the guy LOL. its just sad that we're almost on chapter 50 and theres no end in sight for the horrors, so i just hope that whatever terrible thing happen in the next chapter, cuminates into dan's ultimate reality check and the beginning of the most miserable, gut wrenching and doomed wife chasing crematorium arc for jk's pissbaby ass.

Im gonna be so honest w y'all ive been following this since i entered college. im graduating. but honestly it wasnt worth it LOL yuri just became too pathetic and annoying its simply unbearable. mind you, ive been reading bls w toxic relationships for a goood while and what im about to say isnt bc i want to apply real life morals to pixels on a screen, its just that even for a trainwreck of a couple it doesnt even feel like a an interesting one. reading their moments post angsty main plot is frustrating bc it doesnt feel like it paid off? their chemistry is just lacking. every chapter is just pathetic lil yuri throwing a fit over anything and lee having the backbone of a chocolate eclair and letting things just happen bc oh well!! would u look a this guy !! mr. lee, the man who claims undying love for you just called you a manwhore over a relationship from a decade ago and you're kekekewing c'mon now lmaooo...idk man the writing on this one was so poignant for the most part and maybe thats why expected more from their chemistry in the latter chapters. anyway at least yuri isnt MY annoying piece of shit psychotic boyfriend cuz god knows one of us would end up turning into a sack of bones in less than 6 months
man...personally, my biggest gripe w this story is not even how imperfect this relationship is - sometimes, when u have a well written story, the flaws and cracks between a couple can be rly interesting. the thing is...their chemistry is lacking a LOT and their love is not at all believable. nothing about their actions tell me WHY they have any affection for each other as people, they dont even feel like FRIENDS. it just reads as 'well those are my two dolls i made to kiss each other like barbies bc they are the main characters and i said so'. and ok, fair enough, but what about this is going to make me root for them? this story is just an ourobouros made of air, a never ending cycle of a whole bunch of nothing