There are Spanish translations up to chapter 28
Link: https://tmofans.com/library/manhwa/43704/wendy-the-florist

So I found the manhwa up to chapter 15 it's translated In Spanish.
Link: https://tmofans.com/library/manhwa/45507/sinceramente-me-converti-en-una-doncella-del-duque

Okay, so the second chap of triple crown has been translated in Spanish.
Link: https://tmofans.com/library/manhwa/44546/el-creador-del-rey-corona-triple

So I found out that toonkor has the raws up to 10 and that a Spanish website has already translated the first chapter. <3
Raws: https://toonkor.name/킹스메이커

Unfortunately yes. This season is available only for Korea (they request a korean phone number for purchase). You can see the raws for 1-10 in toonkor https://toonkor.name/%ED%82%B9%EC%8A%A4%EB%A9%94%EC%9D%B4%EC%BB%A4
There will be an official translation but it will take time, months maybe.
Up to chap 22 in Spanish.
Thank you!!!