Disgusting how you legit steal from the scan group. You really do have a horrible hero mentality. what do you gain? Maybe 1 or 2 comments here and there about how thankful they are for uploading this and what. What's worse is that the first time it happened at least the watermarks were on but now you legit took it off knowing how wrong you were from the start.
Honestly I think the scan group should just drop the series, it's a horrible feeling knowing your hard work was stolen and posted on a website that they specifically said not to post it on.

And in case some one comes after me for being a dumbass and terrible human being and some other demonizing shit, we all are here on this damn website so go off log out and never return if you hate this so much. Like I'm here cause I'm broke af so hate me whatever but don't make it seem like people who read here are bad people. We are who we are so fuck off haters

Spanish up to chap 7 : https://tmofans.com/library/manhwa/46599/la-emperatriz-se-volvio-a-casar-manhwa
Honestly this story is a catch, love it!
Armin hating himself b/c he can't do anything ,meanwhile, zeke is building a sand castle (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
This legit so funny!