okay but hyou is literally trying to justify himself by saying this is the only way to protect setsu when in actuality its like no????? He's making excuses for himself. And im upset at the uncle and the cousin and the whole fucking school district for letting this be a thing when it's painfully obvious that this sweet boy setsu is being abused. Even if he likes it it's not okay wtfff. At some point hyou is gonna take it wayy to far. I can't wait to see if hyou sees the error in his ways smh. update plss

okay but hyou is literally trying to justify himself by saying this is the only way to protect setsu when in actuality its like no????? He's making excuses for himself. And im upset at the uncle and the cousin and the whole fucking school district for letting this be a thing when it's painfully obvious that this sweet boy setsu is being abused. Even if he likes it it's not okay wtfff. At some point hyou is gonna take it wayy to far. I can't wait to see if hyou sees the error in his ways smh. update plss

Se Woong needs to chill. I'm beginning not to like him, and thats unfortunate because the first couple chapters I really was empathizing with him. I'm confused if he really likes this boy or if he's just still clinging onto the memories of his first love through Yoo'il.
I don't mind the age gap, because honestly Yoo'Il is a consenting adult, he isn't some child.
But se woong is being manipulative obviously using Yoo'il's naivety to his advantage. The only way I can see this ending positively is them breaking up in all honesty. If se woong wasn't becoming so toxic and possessive the relationship would be okay, but he is and I can tell it's only going to get worse as the story progresses. They need to break up, and I hope that's the case so they both can be happy.
I really do hope Se Woong finds happiness, weather by himself or with someone that isnt Yoo.

When you love someone, you're going to be a little possessive. You want to spend time with them and jealousy is a normal human emotion. But there's normal possessiveness and then there's toxic possessiveness. Wanting that person to spend time with only you, telling them who they can and can't talk to and ordering them around like you own them is toxic and is not a symptom of loving someone.

basically what I said only in less words, and he never oreder him around. he was too shy to ask him to spand time with him at all, so he did it behind the scenes.
cause he have problams too, don't forget. and I don't see the old guy have a toxic possessiveness, like let's say Veronica from Dark heaven. it a huge difference!!

You know I really feel for Sungho. After reading the back story, I can tell he was just another misunderstood kid, that finally found someone that cared for him, and he wanted to do everything in his power to keep dohyun in his life. Even if it meant giving up his body. dohyun Was a complete dick in high school, but to be honest sungho was never forced to do anything. He forced himself, and the only reason he's doing all this (I think) is because he's angry with himself in some ways. He literally gave his body up for a man that didn't feel anything for him. I'd hate myself too.
Sungho deserves any mistreatment that he gets, but that doesn't stop me from sympathizing with him in some areas.
Merry Christmas everyone uwu. Let's have another year of great gay butt sex