Also translator, if u hav spare time pls give me tips on translating and cleaning. I'm currently translating this manhwa called "prince of prince". It's similar to this one. Like there is bromance. It's chaotic, they both hate eachother but gives off hints.

Tysm!! <33
this is my first time translating anything so my advice is in no way from an expert ToT. I also have no clue what translating a webtoon/manwha is like compared to manga, but heres some of what i do that might help!:
-I use PhotoShop (which i did not pay for if you know what i mean( ̄ ³ ̄)) my cleaning skills are pretty much 99% reliant on the healing brush and remove tool with some small touch ups myself if necessary. The remove tool is basically god to me because it does such a good job on its own. I just use the pencil brush tool to clean speech bubbles, and the remove tool to clean text on the background and sfx. (if the sfx is too hard to clean, i count my loss and just write the translation on the side)
I have never used Picsart so I can't say how good it is compared to other software but use whatever you are most comfortable with! and remember piracy is free teehee ^_^
-I get my fonts from Blambot (also free! though some fonts you have to pay for but i only use the free ones) they have the font used in a lot of manga so they might have fonts that would fit your series better, plus they specialise in webtoon/comic fonts so there's a lot of cool SFX fonts as well
-i sourced my raws from mangazip, also free, and was just lucky that they came in HD already! some of the later volumes come as a double spread page instead of single page by page, so cropping it makes the quality drop a little bit plus there is a watermark on some of them for some reason. (You may have noticed that quality dip in the Volume 1 extras), so at this point i am debating paying for the official release. Depending on where you source your raws from or if you crop them yourself it can drastically change the quality of your translations.
-Personally, i translate each page on a seperate text file first before going in with photoshop. Then i read over the translations to check for grammatical errors and typos and *i make sure that the translations are good enough that you can understand the whole plot of the chapter without needing to see the art yet*. I reccommend using Grammarly or inserting it into Google Docs/Word and using spell check to check over your translations if you feel they are not clear enough.
-also, google translate can be good (esp if you're like me and not 100% fluent in the language as ive only been studying for 6 years), but it should NEVER. EVER be used to translate whole sentences unless you're super unsure, and should instead dictionary individual words and phrases. I'm lucky i learnt a lot of grammar patterns at school, but once in a while if the characters are talking about a concept ive never heard of or am not completely familiar with, then i'll whip out online dictionary or translate tool. Also, some translation tools can make the dialogue sound super stiff and unnatural, so make sure you take the character's 'voice' into consideration when you write out your version of the translation.
for example, when kizaki uses "koraa!" or uses a slang version of a word (e.g., saying 'omee' instead of 'omae' - the word for 'you' - i'll write 'Ya', or slip in a swear word to convey his extreme impoliteness when speaking
sorry its so long but this is all i got ( T﹏T ) again im not a professional and i only started translating 3 months ago so take it with a grain of salt and just do what you're most comfortable with!
Good luck with your translating and thank you for the support (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Tysm miss translator, I read everything. Thank you for the advice, telling me where to get the source even! Love you sm. I think we're similar like I do my translations in my phone with my fingers, cleaning too. Too broke for a pc. I do use gtl but I hav raws from 3 languages so I gtl them all and make it to something understandable. Thank you for taking ur time into writing this, may u have the best years coming forth
Honestly I don't read yuri BUT if siyun wasn't a character i wud have wished for mc and juhyeon to end up together. Maybe in an alt universe?