a number of pages uploaded on asada nemui's blog: http://asadanemui.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-4.html
just keep using the arrows and navigating around :))

more artwork uploaded on her twitter as well ^0^ https://twitter.com/asadanemui/media

fluffy series with small, blonde, baby faced/cute, with glasses boy and another black haired scarier looking but nice guy!! and he sees the smaller blonde smile and loves that and they meet and have a sandwich together on a bench and the art and linework is pretty V///V

Does the glasses guy a bit naive?

Youre welcome :*
works really smooth, search functions are great, categorization is perfect (i love the sort by function and genre selection options), and ive always liked the scroll-over-manga-info/coverthumbnail-shows but for some reason my eyes have a hard time tracking the colors on this website. especially the column/section grouping. is this just me? perhaps its the unconventional color scheme and the light and colored text on dark background. I was wondering if anyone else was having the same issue