If gren is getting screen time and making angel statues he’s 100% going to die
I’ve read enough manhwa to recognize the pattern
Can’t wait for the hardship before love yay me
“This calm can’t last forever “
Like it was sunshine and roses before
Does anyone knows what chapter this is in the novel?
I would like to know what kind of shit and toxins the Queen was smoking when she was pregnant with the crown prince because the man is way too fucked up
People talking about sharing eve but bro
I think the new guide is in danger eve was way too calm about this
Ugh Derrick it’s getting harder to defend you bruh I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt because you were under a spell but bitch ….
Matter of fact I need you to drop dead for me right now that would make my day
I honestly feel bad for Derrick imagine having your will taken over by some stupid spell
Is this bitch serious????
You killing your grandmother is not enough of a wake up call but him not giving you enough attention is ???
My head
Wait hold on since they both love each other now shouldn’t the spell be broken ??
Ceaser sweetheart I need you to jump off a cliff and die for me ok babes
Oh I decided to try this webtoon but from the comments I see here bye I ain’t wasting my time
The story is super interesting on its own why does rape need to be involved can this author write anything without rape ?????
Ewww brother what is that that’s the ugliest baby I ever seeen
She isn’t even letting him explain or confirm if it’s true or not she is just being selfish
I’m willing to bet my savings she will abuse that child all this foreshadowing about wanting to kill it can’t be for nothing
I really don’t understand Diana so her definition of frugal is starving people? And I find it weird that since she is so against luxury why is she always dripped up in satin and diamond and didn’t she just throw away some cash as investment despite being told not to ?