Hi I’m a teenager in high school who just finished 10th grade and now it’s summer. There’s nothing to do so I’ve been reading a lot of manga and lost touch in reality. I suddenly think about it and realize I’ve been reading about college life yaoi and I don’t know why I feel so anxious about going to college. I used to have really bad social anxiety and it’s getting better because I found friends who are the same as me. But I get nervous about college life because it sound very stressful and idk why but I’m stressing about it right now at 4 in the morning. Someone should tell me about their college life please because I don’t have anyone close who went to college. I’m an introvert and don’t really like socializing with many people, just my close friends. I usually procrastinate on my homework but I want to change because I want to keep my GPA up TT. I should really go to sleep bc I have church in 4 hours.... but please tell me your college experience because I would love to hear them. I haven’t even know what major or classes I want to take yet... if anyone can recommend me some careers I’ll appreciate greatly, I do the best in math, then science, and I do horribly in English. Happy Pride month everyone!~~~

a lot of money problems,
forced to learn how to cook
the first four weeks are less busier
use laptop and virus problem...
some plagiarism
group assignment a maximum of 5 or only 2 people
see people hanging out at the cafe until 1 am
i heard law students dont play hooky
hard working student study until 1 a.m. or 3a.m.


U should major in the thing u r good at or u love not what ur parents tell u , trust me , biggest regret of my life

Don't worry so much over the summer. Enjoy yourself. Go out and hang out with your friends; because once school starts, you'll probably be completely immersed in college prep stuff.
My recommendation when school starts is to keep your GPA up, but also do extracurricular stuff (volunteering, sports, clubs). Colleges want well-rounded students. There will be thousands of students with good grades, but the ones who show interests outside of studying will always stand out. Not only that, extracurricular activities are a lot of fun and will help pull you out of your shell. Make your friends join with you, so you won't feel so lonely and awkward.
There's a lot of pressure on high school students to choose a path and stick to it, but the truth is it's ok to not have everything figured out. Your choices in career and lifestyle will probably change a hundred million times after high school ends. And that's ok. The choices you make now are not set in stone. You can change them as you like as many times as you need to. It's ok to spend some time figuring it all out. That's what high school and college are for.


Sorry just realized I didn't even answer your question.
College was definitely more difficult than high school. That is a given, but I still had a great time. I loved having the freedom to make my own choices. I never hung out with my friends on the weekend when I was in high school. But in college, I met some great people and we had lots of fun just hanging out, watching movies, playing games, and talking until 3 in the morning.
Side note: If you're already procrastinating now, it'll probably be worse in high school (it was for me lol).

Thank you, my school require us to do volunteer services so I got those, but extracurricular activity I only join science Olympiad, maybe I’ll join quiz bowl too. I don’t like sport and my school don’t offer any... I’ll enjoy my summer a lot bc I get to hang out with my boyfriend more >.<. And one of my choices right now is to be a math professor but it’ll prob change from time to time, have a great day!~
Hey everyone I saw on my Tiktok a manga called female lead is the king of the nation, does anyone know another name of it or any link? Thank you!