I am literally on the verge of angry tears bruhhh this Jooin bitch is testing istg he had the nerve to get mad at my baby Cain while allowing that sick son of a bitch to kiss him??? Like i am against victim blaming but Jooin deserves whatever happens to him and i hope Cain gets a lover that treats him goo -i volunteer as tribute. Just waiting for this to end tbh. Yummy artstyle wasted on a bad love triangle…

i think the uploader had a stroke bruh shhdjshsah aside from that I think I’m in love with the fair haired dude gawd damn. Also damn he really is falling for him huh? seems more like stockholm syndrome to me but oh well we’ll see. Also to give to give the ML a good character arc like in BJ Alex the second ML (which im hoping is the fair haired dude) needs to be worse than Jaekyung or I don’t see how he’ll feel thibgs such as remorse and empathy (he is a literal caveman )

umm no pls i wont be having any of that “bohoo i have trauma boohoo that’s why treated you like shit” stuff and the Jooin feeling sympathetic towards him. No. Gross.hope Jooin finds it in himself to forgive him for his mental health and leave Yahwi behind. Yahwi needs serious help before getting into a relationship as well. I don’t even want Cain and Jooin to be together tbh Cain deserves so much better than this. It’s been awhile and I’ve already prepared myself for disaster but we’ll see
IM ABOUT TO BEAT THIS BITCH UP ISTG LEAVE JOOIN ALONE YOU UGLY ASS HOE?!!!!! my baby Cain is heartbroken but i think he is sensible enough to hear Jooin out (not that he deserves it but still) pls don’t make me eat my words. thx