NO, WE FUCKING DONT BECAUSE THATS A REAL WORLD PROBLEM. Now, look how I said REAL and what is this, what are you reading...Fiction.
Were reading something fictional. A digital drawing someone drew for fun, these two will never exist, they will never know of this because why? BECAUSE THEY DONT EXIST. Now if they did exist, this would be huge problem, but like I said it's fictionn.
Now before you say "still even if it's fiction, your still supporting pedophilia."
That's a weak argument. Gives us evidence, facts, a civil conversation and we might listen, but countine to say that and we will never listen to you. And still wont.
Sign and Peace
2021-06-04 22:05 marked
2021-04-30 12:10 marked
2021-04-07 22:15 marked
2021-04-05 06:21 marked
2021-02-01 12:18 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-01-24 15:21 marked
2021-01-23 12:10 marked

2020-12-04 01:41 marked
2020-10-18 06:41 marked

2020-10-04 15:12 marked
Why are y'all getting worked up with a DOUJIN. A piece of fan entertainment...