Anybody like me who fell prey to *try "Boku no pico" after beginning your anime journey and asking for recs?? Whoever did that to me, I hope you rot in hell forever. Seeing how the joke is still ongoing, you guys are embarassing and hope you rot too. ┗( T﹏T )┛ 2 reply
I really ship people.. Not only close people.. When a guy can't cross the road and then another friend comes.. Holds his hand and makes him? Aghhh what can be cuter than that man n... And when guy is afraid of dogs and the other friend hugs him and assures him nothing is going wrong makes him pet the doggie... Ahhhhh cuteee... Super cuteee!!! ლ(�...... reply
Omgg I know sanskrit too. It's rare to find someone. Although I have half forgotten it.
I find all the languages beutiful. No exceptions really. Although it is hard for me to understand the script. reply
Younger generation man. Also zero literal comprehension and an urge to see everything happening their own way. So they get frustrated when they can't understand something and start argument or dehumanise them because of difference in pov. reply