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konata_luv July 21, 2021 5:32 pm

I feel bad for Yahwi that he lost his parents and stuff, but at the same time, i still can’t really bring myself to like him or that making me like him even more. Of course I feel sympathetic but idk. I already knew this story was gonna take a hard left to make him have a sad ass backstory to in a way make ppl feel bad for him despite his behavior and attitude so let’s just see where it goes from here i guess.

konata_luv July 20, 2021 6:44 am

I was really hoping that this update would pick up from the last one because I’m so anxious to see what happened next, but I got to see my other babies being cute so I’m not complaining

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SPOILER ON THE LATEST RAWS season 4 chapter 30 🌹🌹🌹credit : silent.... 12-05 10:12
spoiler 10-14 14:54
Real Season 2 Spoilers 09-20 21:48
smh 07-02 20:03

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