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XakuraBlooms September 27, 2024 9:28 am

I picked this up purely because I thought the lil dragon on the cover was adorable, but I just reached the end of CH 1 and this is high key giving pedo vibes. Like, even before she was sent back time, FL was a 16 year old betrothed to a 21 year old, but it's even weirder with ML since, according to another commenter, he's 19 and she's now 10- technically, she's mentally 16, but that's still really bad- u_u

Lmk if the story stops being weird, but I gotta drop this one for now, even though the initial start caught my interest.

    angel1 October 22, 2024 3:31 am

    okay so he actually has a non-perverted reason for wanting her to be very very young. spoilers:

    he is being "haunted" in a way by a goddess/spirit being that is basically in yandere love with him and tends to possess any females that go near him. The females possessed tend to only be of a certain age though - I think like 13 or 14 and above - so he just wants a wife that isn't old enough to be possessed yet.

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