The mc is so stupid ☠☠ when you report an assault they don't fucking ask if he enjoyed it or not who cares. Mc was a victim of sa and blackmail. I'm not reading it, the ml is a degenerate and trash (dropped at ch.2)

hate to bring you back to reality but that does happen. if a woman reports an SA case or Rape case she's never talen seriously "well what were you wearing, you enjoyed it though, did you try to fight back" and when men report an SA/Rape case he's just laughed at "lucky, I wish I got raped, you probably enjoyed it" those are very common comments to here

I saw your comment and couldn't agree more...
I just remember a news in my country that a 16 years old boy was groomed into a relationship with a late 30s or early 40s woman, then at one point the woman raped the boy multiple times to fulfill her sexual desire and the boy got really depressed he wouldn't even eat nor go to school.
When that news got into social media, lots of trash men commented on how the boy is so lucky to get raped by a woman, how the boy is stupid and weak for being depressed instead of enjoying it, how those trash men wished it was them in the boy's position and they would be so happy. I'm so disgusted I couldn't read any more comments because I know it would be just some freaking idiot without common sense and moral.

I know lots of victims don't report it, cus of the questions, the trauma coming back and people judging them. What I think is that reporting it is the right thing to do, it's hard but it's not like it does nothing. If no one ever speaks up, nothing is going to change. The other option for me is to actually talk about it to your family members. They also might be able to help mentally and let the victim know they're not alone in the situation.

you misunderstood what I said. a lot of victims do report it and that's the response they get. from bith law enforcement and their family "are you sure it was such and such, they'd never do that, this is a serious accusations think about what your doing to such and such life" once again very common phrases you hear from family members if you tell them